Twitter has become like Scandinavian culture of yore. The Iron Law of Envy, the Law of Jante demanding 100% conformity not only in behavior and speech but in thoughts to, creating the thing I fear the most: a self-righteous virtuesignaling consensusculture 
I grew up in Sweden which many US liberals saw as the end of their vision. A progressive society. What they didn't see is that a ultra-conformist ppl need no laws to conform to norms so the laws can seemingly be very lax and its very easy to manipulate norms, everybody follows.
"parsimony, modesty, disapproval of individualism or elitism—still define the manner in which [they] behave toward one another and view the rest of the world" "being ruled by pettiness, envy, backbiting, gossip, inverted snobbery, and small-mindedness" 
The followers of Law of Jante stayed. "How America made Scandinavian social democracy possible": 25 % of population of Norway & Sweden left, changing character of Norwegian & Swedish society by removing the most ambitious and independently-minded people. 
A documentary about Sweden, on it's outlier values and the difficulties migrants with other values have integrating. 30 leading intellectuals interviewed. "A Swedish Elephant - Sweden 2030" (English Subtitles). 
"Scandinavian Unexceptionalism: Culture, Markets and the Failure of Third-Way Socialism". New research debunks the myth that high taxes and a large welfare state are responsible for the success of the Nordic region 
#HighTaxWelfarestate didn't create the good living standard "Debunking Utopia-Exposing the Myth of Nordic Socialism" 
What Alexandra Ocasio Cortez doesn't understand when she lauds Sweden. Her Democratic Socialist policies wrecked it in 1970-80s. "Neoliberal" reforms in the 90s made it what it is today.
"Twenty five years of Swedish Reforms" 
From one of the poorest countries in Europe to the fourth richest, behind only the US, Switzerland and Denmark. "How Laissez-Faire Made Sweden Rich [1850-1950]" - @johanknorberg 
Sweden ahead of US in wealth inequality seems counterintuitive but it's because high taxes protects the already wealthy, stops entrepreneurs. Aristocrats own 10% of wealth despite being only 0.2% of population. Has special tax carveouts. 
How massmigration made Scandinavian Thirdway socialism possible, the individualists left.
"Those Who Stayed: Individualism, Self-Selection and
Cultural Change during the Age of Mass Migration" - @ASBeckKnudsen 
h/t @post_liberal
"Maybe those [Scandinavian] nations wouldn’t have dramatically expanded their welfare states starting in the 1960s, thus dampening economic growth", @danieljmitchell in
"Did Migration to America Make Scandinavia More Collectivist?" 
A new paper shows that places in the United States inhabited by European descendants exhibit similar levels of income inequality and intergenerational mobility as the European countries their forebears emigrated from. 
OECD's household gross adjusted in USD per capita at current prices & PPPs disposable income stat that accounts for transfers like public education, health care, pensions, etc.
- US $47,801
- Norway $36,436
- Sweden $32,333
- Denmark $31,573  HT @johnmoz
"Email from a country in denial":
"There’s a palpable element of Protestant moralism about Swedish society, though devoid of its theological content, and the people to whom I’ve spoken seem genuinely worried about being anathematized by their peers." 
"The Rise, Fall and Revival of the Swedish Welfare State: What are the Policy Lessons from Sweden? 
Blog "Capitalist Welfare State"" 
In Sweden rent control is a disaster. In Stockholm inner city 90% of rent controlled apartments are leased by top 10 percenters. To get an apartment via govt housing agency in inner city takes +30 years, in exurbs +10 years. Swedish study on rent controls: 
Sweden reformed its tax code 1990. Cut taxes 6% of GDP (Reagan 2%), cut the differentiated marginal tax rate (highest 45%, US today 38%) to 20%. Tax revenue increased, growth and entrepreneurial activity exploded. Zero entrepreneurs <1990, now a tech hub. 
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