Seeing as it seems to be National "Hang on, it turns out Owen Jones really is a deranged and nasty twat" day, I thought i'd do another of my reminders about Owne's nasty past (you all know about his nasty present).
Whilst a student at Oxford University, Owen continued his Leftist political interests and these included obxessively editing Wikipedia entries on subjects ranging from Marxism & Lenin to Israel, Hamas and Israel.
Mainly Israel.
As you do if you are a non Jewish Leftist student.
Here is Owen's Wikipedia userprofile.
And here is a list of some of his Wikipedia edits.

You'll notice that Israel got rather a lot of Owen's attention.
And here is an example of the sort of stuff that Owen Jones wanted the world to know.

Yes, in this revision to the Wikipedia entry on Israel, Owen Jones decided that he was the definitive arbiter of whether the Jews exist as an ethnic group.
You'll see that Owen Jones wrote that the "notion of Jewish ethnicity is a lie".

He did this because he beleived this helped undermine the Zionist cause of self determination for Jews.
Here's the detail of that revision.
Now, imagine being that young student Leftist sitting up late at night setting the world right on Israel, Hamas and the identity of Jews.
From your student room in Oxford.

It's a creepy and disturbing thought, isn't it?
Now - we all did and said stupid stuff when we were young.
But i dodn't know about you, but i certainly never found myself publicly denying the existence of perhaps the most persecuted ethnic group of all human history. Did you?
And we then didn't go on to set ourselves up as some kind of political and moral authority on antisemitism: decrying it yet strangely unable to recognise it in the politics of our own comrades.
Yet Owen did.

Back in 2016 I wrote about this stuff.
And predictably, Owen set his dogs on me. Not only that - he wrote a blog identifying me by name an referring to me as an "obsessive angry detractor".

Owen could of course have renounced his old words and explained how he had set clear blue water between the Owen of then
and the Owen of now. But to do that would be to admit his own fallibility and his own role in the normalisation of antisemitism on the Left.
Neither of these prospects appeal to Owen, obviously.

So instead, he attacked me and saw not a Jew calling out racism, but an obessive.
At best, Owen was gaslighting and bullying a Jew for the crime of asking him to explain his own part in my experience of antisemism.
At worst, Owen was - well, I'll let you end that thought.
For those who want to explore Owen's Wikipedia past you can do so here
Lastly, this is another reminder that Owen is still a patron of War on Want - the most infamously institutionally antisemitic major UK charity.

WoW sponsors Israel Apartheid Week and is a prime mover in the BDS movement.
Yet Owen claims not to support BDS.
Go figure.

Night all.
No, he's found a much more lucrative outlet.
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