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Since I consider Socialism to be a major threat to the U.S. Constitution, I'll post accordingly
Democratic Socialism is merely a corruption of political language which socialists excel at. To Socialists, "democratic" has nothing to do with democracy as liberals understand it. For example:
Democratic Government of Albania
Democratic Kampuchea
Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Democratic Republic of Afghanistan
Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
People's Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
German Democratic Republic
Somali Democratic Republic
Democratic Republic of Vietnam
People's Democratic Republic of Yemen
Democratic Federal Yugoslavia

Every single one of these Democratic Socialist states where repeatedly condemned by human rights groups as major violators of human rights and together murdered millions.
Socialists are arguably the biggest liars and deceivers in modern history. Their lust for power knows no limits. They have used and tried to use liberals since 1905. In every single case socialists have always, 100%, drove a knife in liberal backs.
We are seeing a repeat today with Bernie's "Our Revolution" and his DSA, Green, and other socialist allies of something that happened in Germany in the Interwar Period. Where once it was Helping Hitler and the Nazis overthrow the rule of law, now it's Trump and the GOP.
How violent are Socialists when the gain complete power of a country. The answer is very violent. Of the 26 genocides committed in the 20th century, Socialists committed 7, Fascists 5, Young Turks 2, the remainder by assorted nationalists.
Liberalism is a political philosophy that considers individual liberty to be the most important political goal. Freedom of speech, limitations on government power, the application of the rule of law, a market economy, and multiparty democracy are some liberal ideals.
Major contributors to the Philosophy of Liberalism:
Aristotle (Athens, 384–322 BC)
Niccolò Machiavelli (Florence, 1469–1527)
Desiderius Erasmus (Netherlands, 1466–1536)
Thomas Hobbes (England, 1588–1679) 
Bernie and his cult like to peddle the lie that Denmark is socialist and its citizens get all kinds of free stuff like healthcare. If they researched the subject they would realize Denmark is a capitalistic economy with a heavy tax burden on everyone not just the rich.
Taxes in Denmark.

Gross tax before Income Taxes: 8%

*Income Taxes
Federal: 5.83 or 20.83%
Municipal: 22.7-27.8%

*Other taxes:
State tax: 8-15%
Health contribution: 1%
Land tax: 1.6-3.4%
Church tax: 0.4-1.5%
Denmark has a non-deductible value added tax (VAT) of 25%
The average Dane pays at least 45% of his, or her, revenue in taxes. If the U.S. tried to implement Denmark's welfare state here, a geographically larger country with a much greater infrastructure per person, it would be an even greater tax burden. Try selling that to voters
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