age of tinder users matching

there is a steep drop off after 25 for females
- biological imperative to settle, after tindering ?

and women use it more, when younger
same reflection in age of users too

women have a slightly more skewed demographic too
Graphs, graphs and graphs

cite tweet : https://twitter.com/NotDeadGlomar/status/1021449626451312641
Lorenz curve for Tinder economy
lower than curve for US economy.

inequality in Tinder wealth distribution is larger than inequality of income in US

cite: https://medium.com/@worstonlinedater/tinder-experiments-ii-guys-unless-you-are-really-hot-you-are-probably-better-off-not-wasting-your-2ddf370a6e9a
excuse my poor regression line

fertility rate
child mortality

2005 vs 2018
fertility rate


correlation :
high urbanisation and lower fertility rates

trend :
urbanisation increasing
fertility rate decrease across rural and urban areas
population has increased, but will see a reverse in trend
food supply increases
also correlates with
falling fertility rate

1984 vs 2013

(no im not saying being fat causes a decline in fertility)
female homicide victim rate and fertility rate
self employment rate and suicide rate

less self employed, more suicide ?

most recent data is 10+ years old
trend doesnt look promising
lower iq *tends* to have sex more
sex younger ages

higher iq => less kids
or kids later age => genetic degradation ?

but those from latter households tend to better
effect has to be observed over multiple generations to be empirical imo https://twitter.com/17cShyteposter/status/1029957892449812480
From : "30 Years of American Anxieties - What 20,000 letters to an advice columnist"

declining religious issues correlate with increasing LGBT issues

the most debated issues

source : https://pudding.cool/2018/11/dearabby/
Unmarried males and days lost.
Quite a high magnitude effect on health.

Link to earlier deaths. Usually correlated with loneliness and male suicide.

They measure regression of cause and thus likelihood of health impact

Stress as a epigenetic factor.
Children living with both biological parents

Affluent families in 1960: 95%
Working class families in 1960: 95%

Affluent families in 2005: 85%
birth rates and economic cycles.
unemployment and suicide rate
very interesting and counter intuitive.

lower population density = higher suicide rate

Intelligence leads to lower fertility in women, but higher fertility in men. https://jaymans.wordpress.com/2014/07/28/idiocracy-can-wait/

h/t @sovereignfamily

my main criticism, is how outdated this data is however. still fascinating.
back to graph posting.
graph showing sexlessness increases with education
Again no.

Japan is breeding less. And whites breeding more than asians. It could be a cultural cause.

Also disproves theory Africans breed Most

Posting graphs in my graph thread.

This is a break down of UK natives cite https://www.humanfertility.org/Docs/Symposium2/HKulu.pdf


The rate is 1.9

I might check the raw data myself n run regressions and make a blog post on it.

Criticism is that's it's UK and 9 year old data
Graph showing the u curve of income and fertility

The middle class is a trap

H/t @vers_laLune
Graph showing the time line of women’s rights and fertility rate.

My main thesis for university centered around liberalisation via industrialisation and it’s effect on population dynamics and fertility.
adding trends of "dating" and meeting partner into this thread.


the thread is from the larger impacts of remote working and the dematerialisation of the "office" as a conceptual space.
thread on contractors and gig economy.

graph showing increasing gig workers. https://twitter.com/GRITCULT/status/1302614599959801856?s=20
graph of fertility rates.
correction above graph is for mortality of birth https://twitter.com/fistlosopher/status/1308025099333771265?s=20
chinese loans in africa by year.
interesting graphs about books.

the amount published has skyrocketed.

the average price of books has effectively now gone to zero. with PDFs... that you can copy and paste...

the biggest "accelerate" graph imo
i think this graph is very interesting.

it shows the effects of the seismic shift... but main detail is that it occured over a long period of time, and it fluctuated up and down... much like the markets shifting... its never smooth nor overnight
graph of iq and projections worldwide
Graph of "knowledge" or data doubling in an exponential manner.

now if you pair this with my theoritical graph on subsequent disruptions by innovations. https://twitter.com/GRITCULT/status/1311026918855245833?s=20

the diffusion rate lowers for the innovation to spread out...
thread that has alot of graphs on japan and the demographics of japan. https://twitter.com/GRITCULT/status/1313612327426678784?s=20
Would you fight for your country?

liver cirrhosis, and pork consumption, and alcohol consumption.

h/t to limoo from my discord server idk his twitter @ sorry bro
graphs of abortion in sub sahara africa


graphs of US aid and "democratisation" in sub sahara africa (right)
abortion for poor women going up. yet abortion rate declining overall

could be correlated with education improving in society but decreasing in low income areas, also low income areas tend to have higher birth rate.
lgbt self identification rates going up.
lgbt marriage support going up

divorce rate for all marriage going up
sexuality and sexual violence correlations.
of sexual minorities, lesbians the most sexually violent.
jewish people the most in favour of LGBTQ marriage

whereas other minorities more opposed,

non religoius / atheist also in favour for LGBTQ marriage
consistent finding of jewish people and their strong support of Gay Marriage, also buddhists tend to be more in favour of LGBTQ marriage

catholics tend to be more pro LGBTQ marriage than muslims, mormons the least.
declining menarche age and increasing of birth out of wedlock. v also increase in gdp and increasing divorce rates
lgbt tend to have poorer mental health and sexual health and general health

also more intimate partner violence comparatively.
females of the ages 20-24 tend to have the most STDs and STIs.
both genders are likely to lie about the number of partners they have slept with.

but men exaggerate and women decrease the number

but women lie more than men regarding decreasing partner number
number sexual partners is correlated with having a single parent family and divorce
% of women who have 16+ partners is steadily increasing.


divorce rate and number of sexual partners
women with post graduate degrees tend to be the most likely to be in top 1% of promiscuous people
jewish and non affiliated women are the two top populous promiscuous populations.
interesting, female fertility is correlated with sexual promiscuity and female STD rates.
aids and muslim population.

trying and failing to find general rates of promiscuity and STDs in MENA regions.
human trafficking in india increasing.
number of human trafficking *cases* is highest in europe.

this could also be due to low reported cases in other regions.

also data isnt great, only 3 years, which is nothgin in a time series.
sex trafficking by race

illegal sexual exploitation the largest market of 99 billion (mut be estimated)

women mostly trafficked for sex, men for labour
black female victims for sex trafficking
hispanic male victims for labour
pre marital sex and religion.

"other" 1st. followed by buddhist and jewish

muslims least pre marital sex followed by hindus
religiosity in europe

sexual assault in europe

correlation ?
maybe, but germany bucks the trend in a very large way as do the other large refugee pop countries, turkey, hungary

for a more comparative analysis, id have to plug numbers in myself

ive visited sweden, the definition of "sexual assault" is broader

compared to other nations, america has a more expensive health care system and one that is less safe and effective, it has a higher maternal mortality rate.

why ?
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