The Big #MCAS Thread.
Ancient MCAS overview thread, what it is and what it does and what it looks like.

Note that this focuses mainly on *reactive* MCAS. Sometimes MCAS symptoms present less as reactions and more randomly or permanently.
A similar thread, but in German.
My big MCAS Overview document.

This contains most of what I know about MCAS, but do feel free to ask me any further questions you have, such as "why does this happen" or "how does that work" or "is there any research on this".
the question "can xyz be a symptom of MCAS?" is pretty much always answered with yes.

the question "is abc a required symptom for MCAS?" is always answered with no.

the thing with MCAS is that every. single. case. looks different. everyone has different symptoms.
Something about hormonal birth control, also relevant for people on HRT.
A short thread where I listed things that helped me, but really in the Overview Document you'll find better info on that.
Some thoughts about fibro, ME/CFS and MCAS.
Some thoughts about MCAS and "psychosomatic" illnesses.
A few words on the clusterfuck that MCAS, fibro, ME, Lyme & mitochondrial disease are, includes links to diagnostic criteria for fibro & ME
short version for DIY medication:

(make sure you know what you're doing, consider med interactions, your illnesses & allergies)

each of these may or may not work or you may be allergic:

- h1 antihistamines (cetirizine, loratadine)

- h2 antihistamines (ranitidine)

- aspirin
keep in mind that meds don't necessarily help stop a reaction, but may help prevent it
Also: if you find you react to the vast majority of medications,

consider that you may not be reacting to the active ingredients at all

but rather to the substances that make the pills & tablets.

if you can figure out which substances, you can get safe meds compounded.
some words on diagnosis & blood tests

and why "I've been tested for that" is often... well, sadly not true.

(or not MAINLY reactive.)

it can totally leave you feeling like shit all the time, or in random episodes.
the "Constitutional Symptom" of MCAS is just feeling like shit for no discernible reasons.

it can cause intense fatigue, dizziness, lightheadedness, pain, shortness of breath, headaches, migraines, digestive issues, neurological weirdness & much more.
and you do not necessarily notice that this is in reaction to specific exposure, even if it is (but it doesn't have to be).
Also I totally forgot to link the thread about the book here.
darn, I'll probably have to redo this thread sometime because now it's all out of order and chaotic.
I also have a video

but it's in German and I'm really desperately looking for someone who can translate the subtitles into English because i physically can't do so much work on the computer
Also good thoughts by @alexhaagaard on sleep & mcas.

(but do keep in mind DPH is not the only anticholinergic antihistamine, as some folks react to DPH too, like me hi)
thoughts on "curing" symptoms by changing one's diet & what that could have to do with MCAS
one more thing that could explain those symptoms and may or may not be related
and another thing to consider
I really need to redo this thread ugh.

one more thing to throw in the pot:

I tried MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane, another supplement), it has notably improved my mast cell stuff. there's not much in the way of scientific evidence, it's not well researched, works for me but YMMV
options for dealing with some of the muscle symptoms (excessive lactic acid buildup):
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