#Brexit 1
Cadbury moved factory 2 Poland 2011 with EU grant.
Ford Transit moved 2Turkey 2013 with EU grant.
Jaguar Land Rover recently agreed 2 build a new plant in Slovakia with EU grant, owned by Tata, same company who trashed our steel industry & emptied workers pension funds.
#Brexit 2
Peugeot closed its Ryton (was Rootes Group) plant and moved production to Slovakia with EU grant.
British Army's new Ajax fighting vehicles to be built in SPAIN using SWEDISH steel at the request of the EU to support jobs in Spain with EU grant, rather than Wales.
#Brexit 3
Dyson gone 2 Malaysia, with EU loan. Crown Closures, Bournemouth (Was METAL BOX), gone 2Poland with EU grant,employed 1,200.
M&S manufacturing gone 2far east with EU loan.
Hornby models gone. In fact all toys & models gone from UK along with patents all with EU grants
#Brexit 4
Gillette gone 2eastern Europe with EU grant.
Texas Instruments Greenock gone 2Germany with EU grant.
Indesit Wales gone with EU grant.
Sekisui Alveo said its Merthyr Tydfil Industrial Park foam plant will relocate production 2Roermond in Netherlands, with EU funding.
#Brexit 5
Hoover Merthyr factory moved out of UK to Czech Republic and the Far East by Italian company Candy with EU backing.
ICI integration into Holland’s AkzoNobel with EU bank loan and within days of the merger, several factories in the UK, were closed, eliminating 3,500 jobs
#Brexit 6
Boots sold 2Italians Stefano Pessina who based their HQ in Switzerland 2avoid £80 Mn/y tax using EU loan 4 purchase.JDS Uniphase run by 2Dutch men, brought up companies in t UK with £20Mn EU regeneration grants, created pollution nightmare & just closed it down.....
#Brexit 6 cont...

leaving 1,200 out of work and an environmental clean-up paid for by the UK tax-payer. They also raided the pension fund and drained it dry.
#Brexit 7
UK airports owned by Spanish Co.Scottish Power owned by Spanish Co
Most London buses run by Spanish&German COs.Hinkley Point C nuclear power station 2B built by French company EDF, part owned by French Gov using Chinese steel that failed in other nuclear installations.
#brexit 8
Swindon,once our producer of rail locomotives.Not any more, it's Bombardier in Derby & due 2their losses in aviation market we could see the end of British railways manufacturing altogether even though Bombardier had EU grants which they diverted 2 Canada aviation site
#Brexit 9
39% of British invention patents have been passed 2foreign companies,many of them in EU. The Mini cars Cameron stood in front of as an eg of British engineering,R built by BMW in Holland & Austria.His campaign bus was made in Germany-yet we have Plaxton,Optare etc in UK
#brexit 10
The bicycle for the Greens was made in the far east, not by Raleigh UK but then they are probably going to move to the Netherlands too as they have suggested recently. Now we don't even teach electronic technology for technicians any more, due to EU regulations.
#Brexit 11
Not 2 mention
UK Fiishing industry,EU paid 2 destroy,
Farmers being paid NOT 2produce food they could sell 4more than they get paid 2do nothing
Costs of us being asset-stripped.
Uncontrolled immigration
Our security if control of armed forces are passed 2Brussels
#Brexit 12
If U think EU is a good idea.then U haven't read EU peoples party manifesto
Brexit means the dissembling stops & Westminster will be held 2 account for these types of decisions. No wonder Cameron & Blair et al don't like the prospect of #Brexit !
SEE #brexit 13 and #brexit 14 on my twitter feed https://twitter.com/LesleyMillercyp/status/981491384107589632
#Brexit 14
Who runs the EU
#Brexit 15
After #Brexit We stop paying net £70Bn membership fee over next 5 yrs 2 Brussels. http://researchbriefings.fi ... .
Every single penny of that £70Bn has 2B borrowed & is added 2 our state debt of £1.7 Trillion adding immediate interest to that debt
#brexit 16
Post #brexit We can stop millions of low wage , low skilled EU immigrants who are depressing wages of low paid British workers and creating chaos in state services such eg NHS/Education/Housing etc
#brexit 17
There are 700k EU immigrant children educated in UK costing £4Bn/yr http://www.telegraph.co.uk/ ....
630k EU nationals were given new NI numbers in the year 2 Dec 17, 209k to Bulgarians & Romanians. https://www.gov.uk/governme ...
'''' cont
#brexit 18 continued

These 630k EU nationals will bring 200k dependants https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/475765/uk-benefits-and-tax-credits-eea-migrants.pdf
They will also add 2 the birth rate whilst here.
#brexit 19
MigrationWatch says Brexit will cut net immigration by 100,000 a year , http://www.telegraph.co.uk/ ... .
However, NI data suggests the cut will be much higher than that & will relieve pressure on hospitals, schools, infrastructure, jobs, wages & state finances.
#brexit 20
We know upto 45% of EU immigrants take 'in work or out of work benefits' https://www.gov.uk/governme ... & low paid EU immigrants take £3Bn in work benefits/yr, 10% of the total paid in the UK, proving they are low paid, high benefit workers http://uk.reuters.com/artic ...
#Brexit 21 https://twitter.com/LesleyMillercyp/status/961664587950182406
#Brexit 24

Again the EU attempts to stop democracy.
You can follow @LesleyMillercyp.
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