From this, MUCH GOOD, must come.

List of changes that need to be enacted:
Pass law stating all official candidates for US president need to pass background tests.
White House visitor log by law must be kept and be part of public record.
Multiple doctors chosen from bipartisan group should administer a annual mental health exam, evaluate findings and issue a report to the American people regarding the mental wellness of the U.S. President.
We deserve to know to whom our President is speaking. Visitor and call logs must be made mandatory.
In addition to candidates, all spouses of candidates should have to produce at least 5 years of tax returns before a citizen can run for office.
We need a bipartisan committee to develop protocols for dealing with sexual harassment charges.
A sitting president must be able to be indicted. No one is above the law. We are not a monarchy/oligarchy/authoritarian state. Founders made that clear.
We need a thorough investigation into election cyber security. No company with ties to either party should be allowed to make our voting machines.
Candidates for federal office need to be able to pass a U.S. civics exam. In order to obtain citizenship you must be able to do this. In order to govern our country you should, as well.
We must end tax-exemption for nonprofits and religious organizations that will not open all their books/ledgers for public scrutiny. Dark money and dark deeds are hidden in these entities and that must come to an end. “Sunlight is the best disinfectant.” -Louis Brandeis
Caps and laws on refugee admissions should not be solely decided under the executive. Congress should have significant jurisdiction over all issues of immigration and refugees.
We definitely need new laws regarding the AG/DOJ and it’s oversight. The protection Barr and Trump have provided to one another is horrifying, unconstitutional and needs to be rectified.
Sondland makes it crystal clear why we must end the practice of giving ambassadorships to political donors. It’s been done on both sides of the aisle and it’s wrong!
Here’s an excellent list of all the heinous types of actions Trump has taken. We will now need newly crafted legislation to prevent this from occurring in future presidencies.
All federal elections must be federally funded only. Shorten campaign cycles. Primary elections should have ranked voting to prevent outliers from winning the vote/splitting of similar candidates. One must be a registered Democrat to run as a Democrat.
We need to discourage voters from registering for their opposition party and voting for the weakest candidate, so that their candidate is better situated to win.
Foreign investment money must be much more closely monitored regulated. We need to know American companies have the United States best interest in mind. We also need to give citizens the opportunity to invest in good deals, especially infrastructure.
The US needs to get serious about corporations that headquarter in the United States but don’t pay taxes here because they incorporate in tax haven countries.
We need a new Fairness Doctrine that would smartly regulate all media, break up media monopolies, require FoxNews to register as a news org. (not an entertainment org.) and make media funded by foreign influence, like the Epoch Times, be highly regulated, if not made illegal.
We need comprehensive legislation to protect ourselves from foreign corruption and influence.
We must review the lies that were told by Kavanaugh and Coney -Barrett during their hearings. There might be grounds for impeachment. Also we need to expand SCOTUS and end all lifetime appointments. And create groups to do this...
It should not be a question whether an outgoing administration wants to fund the incoming administration. That needs to be codified.
If Hillary‘s emails were such a big deal then we must absolutely codify all issues of security and technology. Mitch McConnell needs to tell us why he’s not OK that kind of bill if the House passes a bill regarding this.
Another piece of reform to protect Inspector Generals.
Katie Porter has proven herself to be an excellent asset to congress, as she does her research and is well prepared bringing all of that to bear in her stellar job of interviewing those that are brought before Congress to testify. She should teach a class to other Democrats.
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