They faced the horrors of war in a country far away and then they faced more hostilities back home in their own country. We owe them respect, honor, gratitude and an apology. Thank you all and please forgive our ignorance. 🇺🇸 #VietnamVets
When I review my photos of Viet Nam I always wonder if they made it home. Did he make it home?
Did he make it home?
Did he make it home?
Did they make it home?
Did they?
How about these guys. Did they make it home?
Did this pilot make it home? He flew many dangerous missions.
And what about these soldiers in country in a foxhole. Did they make it home?
And these guys?
How about this soldier? Did he make it home?
The guys who flew these choppers saved many lives of wounded soldiers but did they make it home?
I'll always wonder if they made it home.
I love this picture of the lonely guys in country on their tank. Did they get home?
How about these pilots? Are they safely home?
And the people who built this? Did they make it out of there?
All the lonely people, where do they all come from.
This was our escort plane to the carrier Kitty Hawk. Did he make it back?
What about the pilot of this F-4 Phantom landing on the Kitty Hawk. Did he make it home?
I hope some of my pictures have shown a bit of what it was like in Viet Nam. The one thing they don't capture is the smell. I can still smell it. Don't you - anybody - dare put our troops down for any reason whatsoever. Hug a veteran whenever you can. 🇺🇸
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