Gestalt is the idea that we see the whole of something before the individual parts.

When objects are close to each other, they tend to be perceived together in a group. Use white space to separate groups. Reduce it to group elements.
Elements that are similar to each other tend to be perceived as related or part of a group. If you want elements to appear more relate design by repeating color, size, orientation, font, shape, etc.
Our attention will be drawn toward contrast, toward the element that is unlike the others in some way. If you want to grab your user’s attention to an action or input, use contrast in color, shape, size, etc. on the element you want to emphasize.
Elements tend to be perceived as groups if they are sharing an area with a clearly defined boundary. You can group items and separate them from surrounding components by adding a box or border around them.
Elements arranged in the same orientation are perceived as related. You can use this to denote a path or course, for example in a map. In this video, circles are aligned in the same direction to show a curve and a line.
When an object is incomplete, but enough of the item is indicated, the mind looks for a continuing pattern. We fill in the gaps. In this example, we use this principle to let the user know they can scroll for more content by just showing a bit of another element.
When surrounded by a homogeneous field we perceive some objects as being in the foreground and other objects as being in the background. In this example, a dimmed white layer was added to separate the modal from the environment.
Elements moving in the same direction are perceived as being more related than items that are stationary or that move in different directions. In this example, eight circles separate into groups of four when they move in opposite directions.
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