So, Tzvika Brot and the #BudapestBridge.

Look at this, @ninaandtito @brazencapital @LincolnsBible @ushadrons
3/ FATCA was signed into law in 2010 as a way to combat money laundering in places like ... Switzerland. cc @LincolnsBible

Republicans Overseas Israel hates FATCA though.

Guess who else does too?
4/ "The Court of Appeals ruling found that the plaintiffs – who included Kentucky Republican senator Rand Paul, who has been campaigning against FATCA almost since it was signed into law in 2010 by President Obama."

Hi, Ayn @RandPaul!
6/ In 2014, after Putin invaded Ukraine and annexed Crimea, James George Jatras said, "There's no strategic or logical reason sanctions of this sort or frankly any kind of sanctions will help resolve the situation in Ukraine for the Russians."
7/ September 2016, here's James George Jatras with some inflammatory quotes for Sputnik "News".

"With Hillary as President 'We are Looking at Nuclear War With Russia or China,'" he said.

Now why does that sound familiar? 
8/ Because the Kremlin's favorite horseshoe, @DrJillStein, was pushing the same message during the 2016 election!

Along with Infowars, Breitbart and Kremlin propaganda outlets like Sputnik.
9/ ⬇️⬇️"Jill Stein resides on the left tip of the political horseshoe. She also spouts the Putin party line, defending North Korea and Russia, and describing Ukraine’s 2014 Euromaidan revolution as a ‘coup.’" h/t @ninaandtito
10/ Here's the fun part.

"In 2003, James George Jatras, now the managing director of GSCG,worked for the Washington-based law firm Venable, which signed a lobbying agreement with Alex Kiselev, the representative of then-Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych."
12/ But, in 2005, Paul Manafort hired Alex (Aleksei) Kiselev, for work in Ukraine on behalf of Yanukovych's pro-Kremlin Party of Regions.

That's the same Alex Kiselev who worked with James George Jatras, who was pushing Kremlin propaganda about Hillary during the 2016 election.
14/ More on James George Jatras (from same Foreign Policy article I shared above). I share this because he's done work with another familiar name.
15/ Because guys who go on Iranian TV are definitely trustworthy, right?

Jatras also referred FP "by email to this article written by Spencer and published on the latter’s website, Jihad Watch, in 2008."

Who funds Jihad Watch again?
16/ Oh dear.

"David Horowitz, the former leftist-turned-conservative, whose Freedom Center has steered nearly $1 million over the past three years to Robert Spencer’s Jihad Watch group, one of the leading opponents of the lower Manhattan mosque plan."
18/ Since you may not know who David Horowitz is, he's old buddies with Richard Spencer (unrelated to Robert Spencer AFAIK) and Trump adviser Stephen Miller.

Horowitz even wrote about Miller in Breitbart shortly after Trump's inauguration. 
19/ But this thread started with Israel, so let's remember FrontPage Mag is also run by David Horowitz. Here's some of what they publish. (Note George Birnbaum, seen here ⬇️ worked for Israeli PM Bibi Netanyahu on & off with Arthur Finkelstein for yrs).
21/ But who's good buddies with Naftali Bennett again? George Birnbaum. 🤫
23/ All of this is to say, I think we need to look for all the potential overlap between Tzvika Brot (Republican Party campaign team in Israel) and Vincent Harris.

Because this is their "memetic warfare".
24/ Trump's campaign hiredHarris's company in June 2016.

⬇️⬇️"Harris is well known in media circles for his colorful on the record comments; a Bloomberg story in 2014 dubbed him 'the man who invented the Republican internet.'"
25/ "Trump also hired but swiftly let go Vincent Harris...and his Austin-based firm, Harris Media. He tweeted that they 'completed our various creative projects' for the campaign..."

Hmmmm. But what ... and why get rid of him? Cover?
26/ Ohhhh, @ninaandtito. Harris Media based in Austin. MAGA Coalition. ⬇️⬇️
28/ Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

I know what you did. I know what you're still doing. Harris supplied the ammunition for Flynn's "digital soldiers". The ammunition = images, memes, HATE. He was perfect for that.
29/ Flynn was Gorka's boss initially. Flynn got fired. Gorka couldn't get a job, so the JV squad over at MAGA coalition gave Seb a handout.

MAGA Coalition pushed hard for Roy Moore. So did David Horowitz. Gorka - Horowitz - Birnbaum - Harris fighting for Jeff Sessions' old seat
31/ Promises made and .... Promises made again! 🤫

I see you, dMicroStewart!

⚡️ “Red Metrics/Majoritas/Keep The Promise PACs” by @ninaandtito
32/ This is what law enforcement is chipping away at day by day. The digital army. The "soldiers".

The people who help poison our minds and continue this war of words and ideas.


These are the real Chaos Agents, and we know exactly who's helping them.
33/ Hey @VincentHarris, were you working on the Facebook dark ads for Trump's campaign? Were you supplying ammunition to Flynn's "digital soldiers"? Were you supposed to keep that work quiet? Is that why you got in trouble and had to be "fired" by Trump?
34/ You poison people's minds for a living, Vincent, so you'll have to forgive me for not taking you at your word here.
36/ Were you in contact with anyone on Trump's campaign after you were "fired" by, @VincentHarris?

What can you tell me about Jeff Giesea? Mike Flynn Jr.? Mike Cernovich? Cassandra Fairbanks?

Anything you'd like to share, Vincent?
37/ When did you first meet Arthur Finkelstein?

What did he teach you?

How to "strike fear in people’s hearts?"

I'm here anytime you'd like to chat, @VincentHarris.
You can follow @JamesFourM.
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