This, on April 29, 1894, is the very first mention of Ida B. Wells in the NYT, from its special correspondent in England.
Note: the rest of thread is based on AMAZING chapter from "Just the Fact," a superb book by @dmindich
And here is Mindich's analysis of how Ida B. Wells was at the forefront of the fight against the kind of "balanced coverage" of the issue of LYNCHINGS proposed by most US newspapers at the time, and especially by the @nytimes
Here is a example (egregious, but quite representative) of the NYT's use of "balance" to cover lynchings, here from May 13, 1894, once again from the Times' correspondent in England. This is precisely what Ida B. Wells would so forcefully combat.
Here is more of Prof. Mindich's analysis (I use this chapter in class when discussing the dangers & pitfalls of "balanced journalism" & would highly recommend it to all educators out there) :
Here is , in full, the August 2, 1894 NYT Editorial mentioned by Mindich, "British Anti-Lynchers," where Ida B. Wells is called a "slanderous, nasty mulattress" ....
The rest of this August 2, 1894 Editorial:
As Mindich notes, references to Wells in the NYT Index simply DISAPPEAR after 1895
It is not simply that NYT failed to write Wells' obituary
It actively DELEGITIMIZED (using racial slurs) & SILENCED her as she fought vs lynching & vs NYT's "balanced" coverage of this issue.
Addendum: Here are 3 excerpts from today's Obituary in NYT.
The GLARING omissions:
1: The "stereotypes" she fought vs were FULLY ACCEPTED by the NYT
2: Her "reporting techniques" were REJECTED by the NYT
3: And the NYT TOO did insult her ("slanderous, nasty mulattress")
Another incredible ex. of how NYT fundamentally ACCEPTED stereotypes that Wells fought vs & ASSUMED that black men who were lynched WERE guilty of the worst possible crimes: July 31, 1899 (note the date: clearly Wells had NOT won the Times over....)
The Rest of this July 31, 1899, including responses by the governors of these Southern States
And this EDITORIAL, on July 9, 1897, with some pretty terrifying justification for the use of the "terror of the law" vs blacks who are "especially prone" to commit rape in regions where they outnumber whites....
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