Y.T. is maxing at a Mom's Truck Stop on the 405, waiting for her ride. Not that she'd be caught dead at MTS.
If, like, a semi ran her over, she would drag herself down the highway using her eyelid muscles until she reached a Snooze 'n' Cruise full of horny derelicts.
For this job, the Man with the Glass Eye has already supplied her with a "driver & security person," as he put it. She has this image in her mind that he's going to be like the wrestling coach at the high school. That would be so grotendous.
YT walks back to the public Street terminal…wraparound stainless steel booth stuck between a phone booth (which has a homesick truck driver poured into it) and a pinball machine, which features a chick w/big boobs that light up when you shoot the ball up the magic Fallopians.
Ng's Metaverse home is a French colonial villa in My Tho, Mekong Delta. Visiting him is like going to Vietnam in about 1955, except that you don't have to get all sweaty. There's no monorail service in this low-rent development, so YT's avatar has to walk
Ng picks up a glass…
Globes of condensation form on its surface, break loose & trickle down. The rendering is so perfect that YT can see a miniaturized reflection of the office windows in each drop of condensation.
It's just totally ostentatious.
What a bithead.
Somewhere in this house a radio is going, playing a mix of Vietnamese loungy stuff & Yank wheelchair rock

Ng: Are you a Nova Sicilia citizen?
YT: No. I just chill sometimes with Uncle Enzo & the other Mafia dudes.
Ng: Ah. Very unusual.

*Ng is not a man in a hurry.*
He has soaked up the languid pace of the Mekong Delta and is content to sit there and watch his TV sets and fire off a sentence every few minutes.
Ng: I do most of my work under a large contract with Mr Lee.
[Y.T. is waiting for the continuation of this sentence: Not "Mr. Lee," but "Mr. Lee's Greater Hong Kong." Oh, well. If she can drop Uncle Enzo's name, he can drop Mr. Lee's]
Ng: The social structure of any nation-state is ultimately determined by its security arrangements, & Mr Lee understands this.
YT💭: Oh, wow, we're going to be profound now.
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