1/ THREAD: Why #QAnon pointed out the connection between #BigPharma and #BigWireless when replying to a statement about #MKUltra
2/ Quick Rundown: Anon makes statement about #MKUltra being more advanced, #QAnon points to pharma and cel phones.
3/ Why is pharma essential, beyond cures? There’s no shortage of #BigPharma conspiracy theories. Here’s a good list:
4/ the typical #BigPharma conspiracy either has them suppressing natural cures or keeping us hooked on treatments in order to max profits
5/ Q is asking us to expand our thinking beyond cures when answering the question “why is pharma essential?”.
6/ My answer: big pharma is a force multiplier for controlling 4 domains:

1. Social
2. Economic
3. Genetics
4. Risk Perception
7/ And I hope to show you how both #BigPharma and #BigWireless have mutual abilities and synergies to enable control of these 4 domains.
8/ First: Social Control. Citing Marx: “religion = opiate of the masses”. Well, without God, opiates are the opiates of the masses.
9/ Citing Huxley: prescriptions = soma, or a means of dulling one’s consciousness to the harsh realities of this world.
10/ So Pharma is essential for social control. Owning patents for substances that manipulate consciousness = profit from misery.
11/ a medicated population is less likely to rise up from their enslavement to overthrow the masters. Easier to cope by popping a pill.
12/ expand your thinking: smart phone devices are a delivery mecahnism for social media, our modern soma or drug.
13/ if you want to dive deeper into how smart phones are reshaping society, see: http://www.theamericanconservative.com/dreher/smartphones-are-our-soma/
14/ Pharma enhances social control because you give up sovereignty when you become dependent on their substances.
15/ Smart phones enhance social control cuz you give up privacy. You generate data that is then bought and sold. That’s why apps are free.
16/ smart phones and pharma achieve synergies when technology isolates us, leads to depression and we pop pills to cope with loneliness.
17/ Replacing God with smart phones makes gods of app makers and technocrats. It’s all about control.
18/ this is what Q was getting at: our smart phones enable big pharma to screen and identify potential customers. Think beyond google search
20/ in short, you don’t have a smart phone. You have a monitoring device that allows you to talk to people. Pharma is interested in ur data.
21/ Domain #2 - how Pharma and Phones enhance economic control. Hint: profit from misery creates lobby $$ to shape policy in DC.
22/ Hopefully you can accept the premise that just because GDP is up, it does not necessarily follow that our well being has also increased.
23/ Even Simon Kuznets, the Architect of GDP had some information to put on the GDP warning label. http://ec.europa.eu/environment/beyond_gdp/key_quotes_en.html
24/ Divide GDP into two categories: $$ from Misery and $$ from Wellness. Whether miserable or well, trade occurs and GDP increases.
25/ The question is whether “they” create the very problems they solve in order to harvest your life energy in the form of $$.
26/ That aside, pharma, along with telecom and insurance are essential for keeping DC lubricated with lobbying $$. = control of policy.
28/ isn’t it interesting how pharma, telecom and insurance dominate the commanding heights of the economy via lobbying $$ ?
29/ #QAnon also pointed out differences between Google, Apple, Samsung and Blackberry https://www.theverge.com/2013/6/6/4403868/nsa-fbi-mine-data-apple-google-facebook-microsoft-others-prism
30/ this part of the article is key.
31/ Why did Blackberry fail? As a Canadian company, they were not on “home turf”. https://www.cantechletter.com/2013/07/why-the-nsa-doesnt-want-you-to-have-a-blackberry0723/
32/ In short, Blackberry failed because its encryption was too secure and too much of a headache for the deep state.
33/ here’s the answer to the #QAnon question: “Why was Blackberry destroyed?”.
34/ but then Snowden says Blackberry sold out their customers by providing the state with decryption keys. https://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/news/3002993/snowden-blackberrys-weak-privacy-stance-will-see-firm-erased-from-history
35/ #QAnon is not a fan of Snowden, who is not a fan of Blackberry, yet politicians are fans of this hardware.
37/ Remember the “Facebook is my Bitch” scene from Snowden?
38/ Continuing previous thread. The scene from the Snowden movie illustrates target selection and how to gain leverage using private messges
39/ When alphabet agencies have access to your data, it’s much easier to gain leverage and turn a target into an asset.
40/ They know your google searches, your patterns of travel, your comms, and what meds u r on and what therapy you take.
41/ Let’s say you’re a deep state actor searching for a patsy to pin your latest school shooting on. The process looks like this.
43/ It’s not out of the bounds of reason to wonder if school shootings also have alphabet agency involvement.
44/ It might be time to watch the movie Arlington Road again, to remind one’s self about unwitting patsies. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arlington_Road
45/ these mass shooting events are becoming so routine, it’s no wonder people question the official narratives.
46/ it’s almost as though someone wants to create crisis after crisis with the goal of implementing a “solution”.
47/ Critics are to be thought-shamed (via sockpuppets and social media) and outright censored on other pretexts (twitter and russian bots).
48/ Of course, thought-shaming via the #conspiracytheorist or “Russian Propagandist” label is a decades old modus operandus. It works.
49/ end of thread.
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