
Pakistan is expected to run out of water in 8 years.

To produce one pound of beef, we require around 2500 gallons of water. In those terms, a single hamburger is roughly equal to showering for 2 months.

If compassion ain't your thing, can you at least be smart?
Animal agriculture produces 65% of the world's nitrous oxide, a gas with a global warming potential 296 times greater than CO2/pound. The industry is responsible for 51% of ALL human-caused climate change. Emissions from agriculture are expected to go up by 80% by 2050.
Raising animals for food is also responsible for 30% of the world's water consumption. occupies 45% of the earth's land, responsible for 91% destruction of the Amazon rainforest, ocean dead zones, habitat destruction, leading cause of animal extinction.

And the vegans are crazy?
The stats are real. The impact is real. Are you getting this? Or is this too "burger" for you?

Mark my words. This is the world you're leaving for your children. If this doesn't open your eyes, thinking about an animal's pain isn't even a talking point.
I wasn't done yet. Some more stats:

It takes 1000 gallons of water to produce 1 gallon of milk.
1/3rd of the planet's land is becoming a desert due to livestock grazing.
A whole range of other animals being killed (wolves, mountain lions, bears) to protect grazing animals.
The global human population requires 5.2 billion gallons of water an 21 billion pounds of food. In comparison, the 70 billion animals we're raising for meat/dairy require 45 billion gallons of water and 135 billion pounds of food. Please talk to me about how this is sustainable?
There are around a billion people starving today & yet 50% of ALL the grain & legumes we're growing are for animals. In the US, this stat is closer to 80%. This is what happens when you're planning for a single generation, one lifetime. Your goal is money & nothing else matters.
The world today can produce 15 times more protein from plant-based sources than from meat on any given area of land. Plant-based protein has all the required amino acids as long as you take this protein from a variety of green sources.
To feed a person for a year on a vegan diet requires 1/6th of an acre of land. Vegetarian diet? 3 times as much. And the glorious omnivores? 18 TIMES as much land. Human pop growing by 216k daily=34k acres of new farmable land needed DAILY.

Here's what you save DAILY when you quit meat/dairy and switch to a plant-based diet:

1100 gallons of water
45 lbs of grain
30 sq ft of forested land
10 lbs of CO2
1 animal's life

You can change the world.

You MUST change the world.
For more eye-opening insight on these stats and so much more, check out "Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret" (available on Netflix).
Please watch "Food Choices" as well - also on Netflix.
So my advice to you is to either apply for immigration or change your lifestyle (or do both, fuckers). Because in 8 years time, you're all done. The urgency of this situation cannot be overstated. Our current lifestyle is NOT sustainable.
All of south asia in 10 years.
Got an email from the CEO yesterday. He provided clear instructions on future marketing campaigns for our brands in Pakistan: "Pakistan is running out of water, make sure all our communication in Pakistan emphasizes the water and energy saving aspects of our appliances."
Businesses are realizing what's going on. But you talk to common (educated) people and they're not even willing to entertain the idea because "we have so much snow and mountains and we're next to the sea and it rains so the water comes back."

Cape Town went dry. Open your eyes.
Hanna Lake near Quetta suburbs. (2007-2017)
Rawal Lake, Islamabad.
Heads up:

This is going to be your new reality

This is going to be a daily concern

This is going to be the single biggest problem in your lives in some time
"Here’s the picture in a nutshell. Pakistan’s water economy is set to dry up by the year 2025, according to almost every international organisation that has looked at it. This scarcity can create conditions that can potentially foster civil war."
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