Kasi can lah!
I started off the year making new friends & watching my favourite finally-a-band-I-can-catch-up-with for the first time.
Bangun pagi pergi mural hunting a day before my birthday! Changed my perspective knowing every mural has its own story. I made a couple of friends and they’re such genius and bright babes
Tengok Hujan live after 8 years fangirling! Lovelifest was lit yooo. The first time I met my idol Yuna too. ICONS
Class trips to the parliament, national archives with my human science babes. I suka teruk la dengan dorang I rasa the only faculty yang I akan ngam with. Padahal Feb-April tu tengah dipres teruk ponteng kelas tak nak jumpa orang huhu
Dapat Madam Amy free daripada founder FRKL21! 🤤🤤
My happy pills. Tahun ni sempat jumpa berempat sekali je, how rude?? Tapi birthday present semua orang tetap dapat walaupun I got mine bulan 9/10 which is 8 months late. Kah! I miss my girls ☹️❤️
Bulan puasa 2017 was lit, balik JB tengok Masdo dua minggu berturut, went to Jalan TAR packed nak mampus cari baju raya my colleagues but it was worth the sweat! Tapi I banyak iftar sorang so cam cedeh kit
Here’s to my favourite team out of all groups I was in throughout my foundation year. Tag yourself, I that halal gap between Wazir and Amirah.
Knowing these two rebels, lepak sampai pagi, langgaq rulez, ponteng kelas, shopping, gossip pasal cute boys, masak malam malam buta, my shoulders to cry on!
Worked my ass off for Gooni. Damn, fun gila doing something you love with people you’re comfortable with. I met so many new people since, cool teruk la!
Grand dinner’s after party. The dinner itself I tak minat sebab I tak rasa cantik, tired and irritated. Picnic time hujan, main api with Finaz and the boys, explore campus and the spooky places. Best night ever
These girls and this scenery. Two reliable, matured friends I have. Watashi wa wasurenai ❤️
Salman, my last minute plan, smoking, hiking, meal at fancy restaurants, after midnight lepak, being-rebellious buddy. We had that fling fling season but I ended up seeing him nothing more than a good friend. Maybe because he knows too much 👀
My KL trip in November. Needless to say! I hiked (lol) Bukit Tabur (halfway) and Bukit Gasing. Cute
My foundation year tbfh the only school I went with the least drama and positive people!
They liked it or not but I got to dance to Masdo with my best girlfriends?? Life is made??!!
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