PURPOSE is often defined as a transactional. We take a job, start a new project, or relationship, and then we expect that thing to bring us fulfillment & to spark passion within us.

This is the perfect way to keep your commitment & passion inducing muscles flaccid and atrophied.
The ability to COMMIT is a SKILL. It includes the ability to ruthlessly examine your motivations. This takes the attention off of the WHAT and focuses it on the WHY.
The ability to COMMIT also requires well developed discernment. You must be able to tell the difference between excitement you feel due to novelty or passion you bring because of the intimacy you've cultivated with your PURPOSE.
Sometimes you feel exicted about someone or something because it's new. Its stimulating. THERE'S NO BAGGAGE.... Yet.

Best believe that baggage will show up and latch onto your back when desires born of your unexamined motivations solely determine your choices.
You cultivate intimacy with your PURPOSE when you're able to find the thread that connects the disparate people and experiences you've had in your life.

(Hint: It's you.)
See, we all carry stories with us. These stories determine our choices because they frame what we believe is possible. These stories are more like a script. You have a role, and you play it everywhere you go.
That script is the baggage that latches onto you when the novelty wears off and once again you find yourself unable to commit. The gloss wears off and you've lost the impetus to go foward.
2018 will challenge us to build our passion inducing muscles and develop the skill of commitment.
In 2018 we can build our passion inducing muscles and develop the skill of commitment by:

1. Scrupulously examining your motivations;
2. Reading and editing your scripts;
3. Getting intimate with your purpose;
4. Framing opportunities by what you bring to it.
#4 is the biggie.

This goes back to the first tweet in this thread. If PURPOSE is transactional, then it's something you get from what you do.

But, if PURPOSE IS INTERRELATIONAL then it's the dynamic awareness of who you are that you bring to what you do.
... It's dynamic because you bring the intimacy you've cultivated with your purpose and a pencil to edit and add to your script.

Your script gets updated because you're aware of how your experiences change you and your story.
Your inability to commit is not because you haven't found the right job/person/project.
You're unable to commit because you're unaware of your motivations for choosing AND/OR you're unaware of/nwilling to change the story you've been telling yourself.

You're expecting people and things to engender passion & purpose within you. But what do you bring to those things?
When you bring passion & purpose to what you do it's like bringing your own fun to the party. You come with the purpose of enjoying yourself. You dont get mad and leave because it's boring. You are the fun!
You know those people. They have a good time everywhere they go because that's the PURPOSE they bring everywhere they go.
So, if you want a life of FULFILLMENT then you've got to figure out how to bring PURPOSE everywhere you go and to everything you do.

I'm so ready for 2018. Are you?
Hot dang! I motivated myself with that thread. I'm amped for 2018. We're gonna rock this thing together
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