4) Good Morning Senate Democrats,
This Twitter thread is me BEGGING you to recant your call for Senate Franken to step down until you conduct a full investigation. There is still time to do this! Its not too late for due process!
5) If any one of you has ANY doubts of Senator Franken's behavior truly warranting his resignation then you MUST speak up now and call for an investigation!
6) Even if you feel quite confident that Senator Franken's behavior warrants his resignation, do the right thing by proving it through an investigation run fairly and carefully, showing how carriage of justice can be performed humanely and diligently without shaming the victim.
7) Either way, who among you will be the first person to step forward and do the right thing?
8) Showcasing a smart, fair templet for how sexual harassment accusations can be handled is LONG over-due. We should begin this process in the U.S. Senate today.
9) If Roy Moore is elected to the U.S. Senate, he should be to subjected/entitled to the same type of truth and justice seeking investigation. How about creating a female bipartisan committee to develop this protocol?
10) I get that to change course now would mean admitting a mistake was made. We all make mistakes everyday. Making a mistake like this is not the end of the world. In fact, if we are quick to acknowledge it & set things right, it can lead to good, sometimes even better, outcomes.
11) We are tired and overwhelmed by the chaos. It's easy to jump the gun. But we have to avoid a rush to judgement and, instead, seek a deliberate, thorough understanding. So backtracking now is not a sign of weakness but of smart re-calibrating after a misstep.
12) What we do to rectify our mistakes can be most telling about our character. Dems must stay committed to humility & an ability to admit our fumbles as this is essential to high-quality, relatable & moral leadership. If we don't do that, we take on our foes worst traits.
13) Al Franken has been a fierce ally of ours in the Senate for many years, he deserves a fair inquiry, especially as he has asked for it. Roy Moore stands for the very things we are fighting mightily against. But both men should be entitled to due process.
14) Another reason for a full inquiry is we might stand to learn something about our opponents. Senator Franken and others are potential targets, given their leadership and willingness to tackle tough issues. We must protect ourselves from false flags through full understanding.
15) Some of our rivals view today's political battle as a religious war & there are others who are deeply corrupted and/or compromised. There are people who are willing to cross lines & even commit crimes, all the more reason to be vigilant & committed to truth/facts/due process.
16) There has been conjecture that one of Franken’s accuser's has close ties to VERY suspicious and dodgy right-wing operatives. If there is nothing to to this speculation, it should be put to rest. Equally, if there is something to it, we must know.
17) Much good can come from the #MeToo movement but it must be managed properly. The Rolling Stone UVA story & Duke Lacrosse type incidents can undermine forward progress. Therfore, we must attend to victims needs & push for change while also securing the movement’s integrity.
18) Additionally, our opponents will continue to sow chaos as a means to confuse and fatigue us, in an attempt to leave us overwhelmed and/or apathetic. Stay calm and carry on! Follow a path of compassionate, diligent justice that invites discourse, discovery and optimism.
19) Our rivals will attempt to throw us off our game & sometimes they will be successful. But as quickly as we can, we must admit a misdeed or slip & work to get back to higher ground. They may even set traps, so prudence, integrity & highest order of standards must be exercised.
20) Our opponents also seek to divide us. The call for Franken to resign has done that. There are Dems that are furious a good Senator may have been set up & brought down. Anger could be assuaged by a fair investigation. If Franken goes & Moore stays it will be very problematic.
21) The Dems might even gain credibility from the left and right by handling these cases in a forthright, evenhanded way. Much of the populist movement is rooted in people wanting fairness, transparency and truth. Backroom politics needs to go on the ash heap of history.
22) These are difficult and dark times but there is opportunity to shine by meeting our problems head-on but carefully. It may get rough and messy, but we must stay dedicated to truth, facts, honesty, thorough inquiry & integrity. All the things our opponents lack.
23) You all are smart, talented and hardworking. You are fighting the good cause. Just make sure during challenging times you afford colleagues and foes opportunity and time to explain themselves. There is often much to be learned by humane discourse.
24) I hope one senator will read this thread & tomorrow will ask @SenateDems to rethink the Franken situation. There is SO much at stake. Each move matters. As part of the highest elected U.S. deliberative body, I ask you, without an investigation are you SURE justice was served?
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