48 years ago, fred hampton & mark clark were murdered by chicago pigs, as part of the larger FBI’s conspiracy to eradicate the black panthers party.

fred hampton, forever.
“The purpose of this new counterintelligence endeavor is to
expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, or OTHERWISE NEUTRALIZE [emphasis
added] the activities of black nationalist hate-type organizations and groupings..” —J. Edgar Hoover, then director of the FBI.
to make it even more known how terroristic the US is, this is all public record, too. [read the screenshots closely]

source: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/RANCHO/POLITICS/COINTELPRO/COINTELPRO-FBI.docs.html
“if you read the FBI files you will see that even Mr. J. Edgar Hoover himself said that it was not the guns that were the greatest threat to domestic security; it was the Free Children's Breakfast Program that was the greatest threat to the internal security of the USA.”
oh, yeah. fred hampton’s bodyguard was an FBI-informant.
fred founded the rainbow coalition which consisted of the bpp, the young lords organization, rising up angry & the young patriots.

it aimed to multiracially bring together individuals & vowed to end class based oppression for working class black, brown, and white people.
the rainbow coalition was largely why the fred hampton’s of the world were targeted by the state. because as we know, solidarity between poor & working class white whites with other marginalized groups is a threat capitalistic white supremacy.
people ask me all of the time, “how are you so hopeful? how can you still believe in mass solidarity along racial-ethnic lines?”

fred hampton is why.
fred hampton, forever.
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