I think playing Joe Biden's racist hits would be appropriate at this point.

A thread/moment...
In this clip, the former Delaware Senator tells an Indian man he has just met:

"You cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent."

What does that even mean?
Expanding upon Biden's insensitivity towards the Indian community, here's a clip of him mocking Indian people.

"How many times do you get the call... [mocking Indian accent] I like to talk to you about your... [speaking normally] credit card."

And he criticizes Trump.

In this clip, Biden tells a panel that he has a "great relationship" with the "very large and identifiable Somali community" because "there's an awful lot of them driving cabs."

Is that all it takes?

When asked about his thoughts on Obama's presidential candidacy, Biden infamously replied: "I mean, you've got the first sort of mainstream African American, who is articulate and bright, and clean, and a nice looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man."

Really? The first?

In the following clip, former Delaware Senator Biden is asked how he would intend on appealing to voters in the Deep South. Biden answers the question by boasting that his state "is a slave state."

Since when is slavery a bragging right?

Biden has a history of upsetting the black community. In this clip from the '12 campaign trail, Biden brazenly tells an audience "he gon' put y'all back in chains," referring to his GOP opponent, Mitt Romney. This careless quote understandably caused a lot of outrage at the time.
As Vice President, Biden even used anti-Semitic terminology in public. In this audio-only clip, he uses the slang term "shylock," which refers to a Jewish Shakespear character who was a ruthless loan shark.

Interesting choice of words...

In this clip, former Vice President Biden upset the Asian community by referring to a Chinese person as "the wisest man in the orient."

People still use that word?

In this clip from Biden's days as a former Delaware Senator, he attends an Albanian event and rails on the Serbian people. He even compares them to Nazis. Biden's noticeable disdain for Serbia has been a longstanding issue for him on the world-stage.
Some people accuse Trump of being "racist" and "xenophobic" for wanting a wall built along America's border, but guess who signed legislation approving the construction of a border wall in 2006?

Former Senator/VP Joe Biden.

Does that mean he's racist?

( http://dailysignal.com/2016/11/21/in-2006-these-democrats-still-in-office-voted-to-build-a-wall/)
After Biden became Vice President, a lot of the recorded versions of his most racist statements (made in public) were sealed away. They are, however, still on record in print. The following quotes in the featured video showcase just how insensitive Joe Biden's been to minorities.
Between this thread & the thread of #BidenGropeTapes, former Vice President Joe Biden (who also has an anti-LGBT past) has clearly proved that he does not possess the type of political leadership capabilities America needs.

After Hillary, don't Democrats have any better options?
The racist ways of Joe Biden have long been a topic of discussion on Twitter.
More tweets from journalists and media types calling out former Vice President Biden's racist ways.
Never forget: Former Vice President Joe Biden didn't support equal rights for same sex couples until only 5 years ago.

Just in time for the election.

The media heavily scrutinizes Trump whenever it doesn't like a statement he's made that could be deemed as racially insensitive. When Joe Biden used to make constant racially insensitive remarks, outlets like @Slate, @dailykos, & @MSNBC practically encouraged Biden's racist ways.
The only media outlet to openly cover Biden's racist ways was Fox News. Outlets like The Economist did so very tamely, while outlets like Buzzfeed have all but scrubbed access to their old articles citing "racist Joe Biden."

I wonder why?

Biden has been allowed to be an openly racist, serial harasser -- FOR YEARS -- with complete protection from the media.

Now he's talking about possibly running for president in 2020.

The media (that's allowed) is trying to warn you again.

It's time to break the cycle.

Update: former VP Joe Biden recently made a racially charged statement, casually referring to female Detroit residents as “women from the hood.”

Reminds me of him calling Obama the “1st sort of mainstream African American, who is articulate and bright.”
Update: Former VP @JoeBiden has such little respect for Black Americans he recently based their existence on supporting his presidential campaign, saying "If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't Black."

“[thousands] born out of wedlock, without parents”

“[It does not mean because we created them that we] forgive them or do not take them out of society to protect my family and yours from them”

“lock the SOB’s up”

What group do you think Joe Biden was addressing here in 1993?
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