Or of mentor figures or men I looked up to (including a man who worked in TV who I became close friends with when he was ~38 and I was 15-17 lol) turning on me/pushing for a sexual relationship
But I've also interacted with people who would be MORTIFIED to do shit even remotely like that even if they had equivalent power and could get away with it
My old boss was never anything but awesome and he encouraged me and respected my ability and I owe a lot to him (including helping repair my ability to have that kind of respectful mentor relationship with an older man)
This was kind of brought on in response to the E Bruenig piece which was well-intentioned but gives WAY too much of a pass
People are fallible and do dumb harmful shit, we all do, but sexual harassment assault etc is NOT "oh I'll stay and help him grow" behavior to me
People like CK who regret shit and stop and try to grow only after they're caught and humiliated are not worth sticking around or defending
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