People are really still out here trying to argue that Zionism is just Jewish self-determination, and not a reactionary colonial ideology? Let's look at what some of its founders say then:
1. Just to start, claiming Zionism is only creating a Jewish home is a huge lie by omission, because it portrays it as happening in a vacuum, and not at the expense of a native population.
2. How were they going to establish an exclusivist ethnic state in an area already inhabited? Settler colonialism. Here is Herzl trying to appeal to Rhodes. Yes, THAT Rhodes:
3. Zionist founders were shockingly honest about Zionism being colonialism in their early days, it wasn't a taboo yet. Jabotinsky is a great example:
4. Nordau, Herzl's right hand man, also wanted to ramp up the colonization process, saying that the beginnings were promising but a wider scale colonization was needed:
5. Ussishkin was very open about the whole Zionist project, clearly advocating for removing the natives and creating more room for Jewish colonization, taking control:
6. If that somehow still isn't convincing to you, what do you think the Jewish Agency Colonization Department, Jewish Colonial Trust, Palestine Jewish Colonization Association, etc. were responsible for? Brownie distribution?
7. Modern attempts to whitewash Zionism are so easily countered by simply reading early Zionist literature. They clearly and proudly labeled it as colonialism. Even if they didn't, in practice it was and still is.
8. No matter how bad your cognitive dissonance is getting, you can't rebrand reactionary ethnic nationalism that necessitates denying millions their rights as "liberatory".
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