The Grifters Code

1. Take. Always.
2. A mark is just a source of money.
3. When a mark shows himself, take him for all you can.
4. When a mark has nothing left to take, move on to the next mark.
5. Risk is part of the game; unnecessary risk is not.
6. If taking from a mark will expose you to unnecessary risk, move on. Your ability to grift again tomorrow comes first.
7. Never let a mark get wise to you, even after the fact.
8. Never undermine another grifter's con. Payback is a bitch.
9. There are plenty of fish in the sea.
10. If the sea runs out of fish, set sail for new seas.
11. Short cons generally pay off small. Use them for quick takes only
12. Long cons generally pay off big. This is where the action is.
13. There is no misery, strife or tragedy a grifter cannot or should not be willing to exploit.
14. Other people's problems are other people's problems.
15. Other people's problems that you create are other people's problems.
16. A grifter should never settle for a piece of the pie when he can get the whole pie.
17. There may be interests that align, but there are no permanent partnerships. Partners always turn on you.
18. A well-played con is a well-played con. Show respect when you see one
19. Once caught, the cops won't let you go. Don't get caught
20. If you get sent up for a stretch, find a new town once you're free. A known grifter can't run cons in a town that knows him.
21. There's a sucker in every room. If, after 30 minutes, you're still trying to figure out who it is, chances are it's you.
22. Always have an alibi.
23. Always have a scapegoat.
24. Always be ready to take.
25. Take. Always.
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