Companies in Technopark and Infopark, Kerala are hiring massively, especially freshers. Unable to find candidates even remotely employable.
Had a lot of discussions with HR friends and such, Kerala, Bangalore. There are some things that need to be known about kids these days.
Most Btech graduates are unemployable. Most even can't speak a proper English sentence. But we all know that. What we don't notice is that +
Most kids DO NOT WANT to be employed! This is incredible. A friend went to some 5-6 engineering colleges for recruitment. And what happened?
She was met with classrooms only 25% full despite teachers saying that a lot of students are eligible. They had to force students to attend.
Apparently, kids are not interested to do jobs. Almost all want to write bank and PSC tests and land govt jobs where they can "relax".
"We just finished college let us "enjoy" for a couple years, then we will look for jobs" is what they say apparently. I mean, what?
And well, most kids have only one thing in mind, which is to buy a bike and go on trips. Yes, bikes and trips. Not even cars, cumbersome.
All graduates today are highly sheltered, pampered, spolied kids with no accountability or responsibility. Parents provide everything.
And that reflects in their desire on how to build their lives. And, no one is interested in IT jobs anymore as it is not "easy money" now.
Most kids expect their parents to provide for them until they marry. And yes, a primary goal for most of them is to marry! Not kidding!
If at all they want to work only in the largest companies. No small companies. Until then, bikes, trips, mobiles. How the world has changed!
Every generation sees the youth of their days with incredulous eyes, kids these days the youth have lost it etc. But this time its different
Every generation youth wanted to be employed, financially secure, stable. This generation DOES NOT WANT TO! They don't even want to migrate.
A cousin and a friend got (low-paying) jobs in the Gulf. Threw those in two months and came back. Too hot and boring it seems. Now tripping.
Bloody kids think they are living in a Dulquer Salman movie. He has played no small part in romanticising the image of the jobless tripper.
Addendum: The funny thing is that many kids who are smart, knowledgeable and want to work, can't because they have arrears! #irony
Heard about an accident in a posh engg college in Kollam, Kerala. Some students trying to drift/put donuts in an Audi TT lost control and rammed into a crowd.
Audi TT. Engg students. Tier 3 city. Thats how rich they are. You expect these guys to work in a IT company for 15k pm?
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