Hey @business @cnbc, the next time you do an interview with one of these folks, say Larry Summers, ask about Epstein https://www.thedailybeast.com/the-billionaire-pedophile-who-could-bring-down-donald-trump-and-hillary-clinton
I don't care if you're a liberal Democrat or a conservative Republican - if you're hanging out with a convicted pedophile hosting sex parties on a private island, you really can't claim ignorance. This whole story is nauseating, and nothing will come of it.
The investigation was squashed because rich, powerful people wanted it squashed. "Ray Donovan" is a documentary.
“I’m not a sexual predator, I’m an ‘offender,’” [Epstein] told the New York Post in 2011, shortly after a New York judge classified him as a level 3 offender, or “a threat to public safety.”

“It’s the difference between a murderer and a person who steals a bagel,” Epstein said.
"What is so amazing to me is how his entire social circle knew about this & just blithely overlooked it,” she said of his penchant for adolescents. While praising his charm, brilliance & generous donations to Harvard, those she spoke to...“all mentioned the girls, as an aside."
I hope you burn.
"Is it possible that Bill Cosby, Brian Singer, Les Moonves, Epstein and Weinstein could have all simultaneously carried on years-long campaigns of sexual abuse in the claustrophobic, insular world of media without drawing upon the same resources?"
I can't believe she went with him to court.
"Epstein was hiding in plain sight. We all knew what he was doing, but we had no one, no legal aspects that would go after him." - @cindymccain

If only Cindy McCain had known any powerful people, maybe she could have helped Epstein's victims. Oh well.

Why aren't these comments by Cindy McCain huge news today?

Oh, wait. I know why.
Here is a good question from a Human Trafficking conference earlier this year, about "an untouchable ring of governmental and economic elites in this country".

Cindy McCain's body language and answer is fascinating.
"We even at one point talk about murdering the boy..."

"...Cohen’s team subsequently sent their footage to the F.B.I. to investigate. According to [Sacha Baron] Cohen, the bureau evidently decided not to pursue the matter..."

We all live in a yellow submarine
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine

And our friends are all aboard
Many more of them live next door
And the band begins to play
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