Good points @Stalingrad_Poor
People forget just how awful the Bush Administration was.
It was during the Bush Admin that the GOP ruptured. Nothing "conservative" about trashing the Constitution after 9/11, or invading Iraq.
I warned GOP stalwarts not to give executive branch too much power, because someday there'd be a President they didn't love. I was ignored.
As for Iraq, I had to put up with d-bags like David Frum, who said people who opposed that war were "unpatriotic"
Then the housing bubble disaster happened entirely on Bush's watch. When the crash came, and the bailouts, people realized it was rigged.
Those who were awake strongly opposed TARP, & were ignored. I've written a lot on TARP here you can search for. It was a bankster coup.
So Americans were pissed at Bush, and McCain picks...Palin???
I think he might have won with, say, a Kay Bailey Hutchinson. McCain's nuts.
Americans were so pissed off after Bush they elected a little known, inexperienced, liberal black guy, who I voted for in 2008.
Now for me to vote for Obama was like Nixon going to China. I was so angry at the GOP, and Obama was so eloquent, and seemingly sincere...
As I've tweeted before, I knew the fix was in when I saw Obama with Bob Rubin on one arm and Larry Summers on the other. We were scammed.
I used to listen to Obama's speeches, until I found out they didn't mean anything. So then he decides to become the banksters' best friend.
He appointed the execrable Eric Holder as AG, the crooks got away with trillions, and much of America still hasn't recovered. Nice.
In 2012 the GOP, in their infinite wisdom, nominated a guy who looks exactly like the guy who foreclosed on your house. Idiots. I abstained.
Obama wins again, the top quntile or so kicks ass, the top 0.01% robs us blind , we start a few more stupid wars, TV people are happy...
By 2016 many Americans are really pissed. They don't give a shit stocks are at new highs-healthcare, rent & college tuition are skyrocketing
They've been screwed by the GOP, and then screwed by the Dems. They want to send a message, a giant middle finger to BushObama Party.
So they see all the expected candidates, just like 2012. Rubio, Cruz, yet another Bush, and the annointed one, and certain winner, HRC...
Then here comes this buffoonish, but famous, billionaire and he's doing something never before seen in modern times - attacking the elites!
This is incredible. He is actually talking about Wall Street crimes, and stupid wars! Some people start to get interested, they want more..
So they turn on CNN and see Anderson Cooper & other smug NY multimillionaires trash the only guy making sense to many of them.
So they get more pissed. F you, CNN! I actually had people tell me they couldn't stand Trump but were going to vote for him!
Now as you block me, I never supported or voted for Trump, but I understood why people did. They were hoping to change the status quo.
So Trump unimaginably beats the odds, and beats "the most qualified candidate in history", who feasted on Saudi & Wall Street money..
I know no one studies history, but is it really so strange that many Americans wanted a President NOT named Clinton or Bush?
So what American got was a buffoon who immediately puts Goldman Sachs in charge, to replace Obama's Citigroup favoritism. Yay.
Now there's talk of war with Iran to make the neocons happy. Americans have been duped again. Sorry for the rant, but things have to change
I could've also written this rant from the perspective of a Bernie Sanders supporter, without too many changes. DNC shafted him.
"Lawyer Behind Russian Dossier Tried to Undermine Bernie Sanders as well as Trump"
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