Bloomberg reports that Oracle is one of the benefactors behind the Internet Accountability Project, a conservative nonprofit that advocates both for enforcing antitrust laws against tech giants and for stronger privacy regulations
The Internet Accountability Project, now known to be funded Oracle, is behind the recent Trump push to repeal Section 230 protections for social media companies
After this initial compromise, Russian hackers gained access to client networks by embedding malware in an update to the Oracle software managed by SolarWinds.
In March, when the Trump administration ordered up a study enabling the widespread release of hydroxychloroquine to treat Covid-19, one of the first questions the director of an agency that would oversee the trial asked was: “Who has talked with Oracle?”
SolarWinds is also headquartered in Austin, TX
Oracle CEO Safra Catz donated $125,000 to the Trump Victory PAC and another $5,600 to Donald Trump For President Inc., with additional donations to the RNCC, RNC, McCarthy Victory Fund, Jim Jordan, Devin Nunes...
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