things most people don't know about Tourette's Syndrome: a thread #tourettesliving #ts #tourettes
Another #tourettesliving thread by me:
4. How only a/b 20% of people w/ Tourette's Syndrome have coprolalia (compulsive swearing) & probs even less copropraxia (obscene gestures)
Correction ( #actuallydyspraxic ) it's ~10% NOT 20%!
7. That we won't always experience our TS as a disability, but rather a neurological difference that is neutral (again, both ways are valid)
fwiw, I consider my TS a disability because I think society disables me regarding it (the world & people's ableist attitudes mean events/services/experiences/life are not accessible to me as a Touretter)
8. That while phonic and motor tics are visible/audible to others, we can also have mental tics - repeated thoughts, images etc
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