Following some informations about Top Jash commanders and their today's affiliations in #KRG
Qasm Agha Koye, Commander Jash Regiment 85. Anfal participation 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7. After 2003 travelled multiple times freely to #KDP zone
Guess who is back in Kurdistan...
Anwar Begi Betwane, Commander Jash Regiment 4, Participated in Anfal 1, 2. Become member of #KDP. Until his death lived free & comfortable
Nawzad Anweri Begi Betwane (Son of Anwar Beg) Also Commander Jash Regiment 4. Anfal 1,2, Turned #KDP, lives in Netherlands and Kurdistan
Sahid Ashad Agha Shetna, Commander of Jash Regiment 34. Today #KDP, Participated in Anfal 1,2 and 5
Sahid Ashad Agha was #KDP turned #PUK in 90ies & was executed by KDP after he capitulated 1996. His company Com. mainly #KDP officers now
Fuad Hussein, Deputy Com, Jash Reg. 90. Took part Anfal 1,2,5,6,7. Was member of Kirkuk Provincial Council #KDP in oil & industry committee
This Jash still very active in politics in #Kirkuk as can be seen on actual footage
Mala Huzer, Commander of Jash Regiment 130, commanded 1750 Jashs, participated in Anfal 4 and 8. Today retired General Major #PUK
Hussein Rashid Ismael Agha, Commander Regiment 307, participated in Anfal 8. He is wanted as war criminal
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