1. In a tragic Event On 21 May 1991,at Sriperumbudur, a village approx. 40 km from Chennai- Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated.
2.A Special Investigation Team (SIT) investigated the case immediately after The assassination.
3.Justice Verma Commission,which inquired into lapses in Rajiv G's security, strongly condemned security & Intel Failure.
35.File No.8-1-WR/JSS/90/Vol.III-containing noting regarding security arrangements of Rajiv-was lost from the PMO in 1991😳
36.Later,it was doctored and reconstructed by Narasimha Rao government before it was submitted to the Jain Commission🤔
You can read it in ‘moments ‘ here 👇🏻👇🏻 https://twitter.com/loosebool/status/1123940836482457602?s=21
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