This is the absolute end of the line for human liberty in the West and if you don’t understand why, ask a techie. Once you agree to this platform any functionality can be loaded into it turning off and on access to society, goods, information, movement, based on your behavior.
2/ Wake up world, for love of God. As I’ve been screaming for a year, it’s not about virus, or even vaccine; it’s the data. The vaccine is an excuse, a Trojan Horse, to get you to agree to a platform that is ALREADY 360 degree surveillance, geolocation, turns society off and on.
3/Once this platform is ‘mandated’ you can no longer opt in or out of out as you do when you sign ‘I agree’ to terms and conditions on a website. You’ll be FORCED to ‘agree’ in order to work, socialize, travel. Then any functionality - social credit system that turns PayPal off..
4/ and on based on your social media behavior, or restricts you to your home based on whether you saw ‘dissidents’, which it will know, or a forbidden play the night before, can be loaded onto it with NO PROBLEM, w/o any additional consent from you which you can’t revoke anyway.
5/ Lastly and as the granddaughter of a woman who lost brothers and sisters to the Holocaust, I don’t say this lightly: IBM is producing the NYS version. IBM’s German subsidiary in Nazi Germany built the forerunner of a digitized system like this, using punch cards, that ...
6/ first did exactly what ‘Vaccine Passport’ proposes - it separated Nazi Germany into a two tier society, Jew and Aryan, using the technology of the day. Then IBM created the mechanized lists that allowed Jews to be rounded up swiftly, efficiently. Exactly same system, updated.
8/ But before that, Nazis created exactly what ‘Vaccine Passports’ explicitly promise: separation of society into two tiers: the ‘clean’ (privileged, with access) and ‘unclean (restricted, stigmatized, marginalized). There is no going back once this platform unrolls; no escape.
You can follow @naomirwolf.
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