#RWBYV8SPOILERS #RWBY8Spoilers IT HURTS ! IT FUCKING HURTS ! I HATE IT ! I'M CRYING ! I'M SHAKING ! I REALLY FEEL BAD HERE ! IT IS EVEN WORSE THAN V3E12 ! "Sometimes it's worth it all to risk the fall", yeah, indeed ! And sometimes, it's just too painful ! (1/25)
#RWBYV8SPOILERS #RWBY8Spoilers The fights were great. But they clearly weren't the most important part of the episode... I'm... Really not feeling fine with this episode. There's a lot to unpack and I don't even know where to start from... (2/25)
#RWBYV8SPOILERS #RWBY8Spoilers For once, let's start with the end... We finally got a Penny song... I called it ! I was right ! But at what cost ? Penny died again... And this time, no coming back. It hurts so much ! But I'm kinda mixed about that. I get the intention (3/25)
#RWBYV8SPOILERS #RWBY8Spoilers but I still wonder if it was the best writing choice. Killing a character that has already been killed, generally... It's not that smart. Y'know, the "weight of deaths" in your stories. In storytelling, killing a character must mean (4/25)
#RWBYV8SPOILERS #RWBY8Spoilers something. If you cancelled the death of one of this characters, same, it must mean something. But if you kill a character, make them come back to life (twice, in Penny's case) and then, just end up killing them again... It comes with (5/25)
#RWBYV8SPOILERS #RWBY8Spoilers a narrative cost. I get what CRWBY wanted to tell. "Some lives will end just too soon". I get it was the "Penny never was a real human until she chose her own death" arc... But it still feels underwhelming. I'm... Still mixed with that (6/25)
#RWBYV8SPOILERS #RWBY8Spoilers Of course, it fucking hurts. Jaune being forced to kill his friend hurts ! Penny's death hurts ! But I'm still mixed with that choice. I get the reasons why, but I won't defend that choice. But please, don't harass CRWBY for that ! (7/25)
#RWBYV8SPOILERS #RWBY8Spoilers Going to more "positive" things (I don't know if I can say that, tho). We were all right, everyone felt. We were all wrong about the order of falls. And we were wrong about RWB jumping on their own. But damn, the scenes with the weapons (8/25)
#RWBYV8SPOILERS #RWBY8Spoilers falling or being destroyed one after another were great ! The fall of Crescent Rose, the moment Gambol Shroud was burnt, the breaking of Jaune's bloody sword... It was great !
(I must admit, when Blake jumped to save Ruby, I thought (9/25)
#RWBYV8SPOILERS #RWBY8Spoilers Gambol Shroud would not make it till the platform... It would have destroyed Blake twice... Failing to save Yang because GS was too short, then, failing to save Ruby for the same reason... It would have been horrible !) (10/25)
#RWBYV8SPOILERS #RWBY8Spoilers Winter was an absolute BADASS with the Maiden's powers. I gotta say, I love the White power... (Now, I'm wondering, are all the 4 maidens gonna be related to team RWBY at the end of the show ? Yang's mom, Weiss's sister... Hard to (11/25)
#RWBYV8SPOILERS #RWBY8Spoilers Say about Ruby and Blake, tho... So I don't think it will be connected).
Quick detour to Qrow. Harriet, you're the one who should have just die on this episode. Not Vine. You realized way too late that you were wrong ! (12/25)
#RWBYV8SPOILERS #RWBY8Spoilers At least, we saw Qrow's luck. Because it was always that. Qrow doesn't have a "bad luck" Semblance. It was just "The less plausible thing will come in". Be it good or bad. Here, the bomb was stopped even though is was quite certain it would (13/25)
#RWBYV8SPOILERS #RWBY8Spoilers fall. So, his Semblance made the "not fall" option happen. Even tho I'm not sure he realised it himself. Because BOOM ! And I will say it again, Harriet, you're the one who should have died. Not Vine. You realize when it's too late. (14/25)
#RWBYV8SPOILERS #RWBY8Spoilers Now, back to the main course. First, when Jaune told Nora to go search help, I was "NO ! DON'T GO ! IT'S A TRAP !" (Well, a one-way ticket, but same thing). And then, Ruby scene was really great ! It made me scream. That look of resignation (15/25)
#RWBYV8SPOILERS #RWBY8Spoilers was painful, but great ! And Weiss pain was... Too painful to watch. She was scared, she was hurt, she was her friends die. But she was still willing to fight. And then... Winter was not fast enough to save her. The only moment she could (16/25)
#RWBYV8SPOILERS #RWBY8Spoilers have helped her, she was not able to. And now, she has to say it to their mother. She failed Weiss, and the failed her entire family. Because Cinder won.

Cinder won everything. She backstabbed Neo, because she threatened her. She (17/25)
#RWBYV8SPOILERS #RWBY8Spoilers got Ruby and her team "Dead". She got the lamp and the Staff. And she killed Watts because he dared to tell her the truth. And more than that, she won Salem's trust back. She won in confidence. Because she was able to lie to Salem while (18/25)
#RWBYV8SPOILERS #RWBY8Spoilers looking her into the eyes. Thing she would not have been able at the start of the volume. She evolved. And now, she's way more dangerous. Volume 3 was a deafeat, but there was still hope. Volume 5 was a win. Volume 8 is an absolute (19/25)
#RWBYV8SPOILERS #RWBY8Spoilers defeat. It was not Salem's win. It was Cinder's. And the "Final Word" of the episode was "Checkmate". An appropriate one, I must say. Because, yes, they are in checkmate.

In the next scene, we see Qrow calling for Ruby and Yang, but (20/25)
#RWBYV8SPOILERS #RWBY8Spoilers he is muted. He believes they are dead, and that's why his voice doesn't reach. That's why he is muted on this scene. And then, Atlas falls. Lots of citizen may have die, because the evacuation was not finished. James certainly died in the (21/25)
#RWBYV8SPOILERS #RWBY8Spoilers fall. And Atlas and Mantle are completely gone. An utter and complete loss. The most hurtful episode and volume to watch...

(One small thing I must talk about is the small number of songs. V7 had 9 songs, but V8 only has 6 original (22/25)
#RWBYV8SPOILERS #RWBY8Spoilers songs. 7, counting Awake (which I don't really count). It's... Kinda short. Hoping for new tracks with the full OST !).

And then, the post-credit scene... Crescent Rose in the sand... On some kind of strange island ? With... Yggdrassil ? (23/25)
#RWBYV8SPOILERS #RWBY8Spoilers I guess it's the RWBY-version of Yggdrassil x). But I don't think they're in Remnant anymore, for now. It doesn't have a "Remnantian" look. So yeah, a "small detour", indeed.
So we had Alice in Wonderland and Yggdrassil at the same time! (24/25)
#RWBYV8SPOILERS #RWBY8Spoilers But now, we're gonna have to wait... The hiatus is gonna be a loooooong one. I want to see V9 right now ! (Well, I think there will be some great moments with Neo being forced to ally with RWBYJ x) ).

I CAN'T WAI FOR VOLUME 9 ! (25/25)
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