Why we are bullish on Solana.

Not investment advice.
1. Introduction

1.1. Solana is an ultrafast, low latency, high performance blockchain with smart contract functionality. Using an innovative approach to timekeeping called Proof of History, Solana can achieve subsecond global state finality and transaction throughput of...
...over 50k tps without compromising decentralization or security.

1.2. Solana is uniquely positioned to gain market share from existing smart contract blockchains as well as attract new projects and users to the crypto/blockchain space.
1.3. Notable Advantages:

- Scalability (50K TPS/ subsecond global state finality)
- Low cost (Avg txs fee is $0.0007)
- Composability (High performance without layer 2s/sharding)
- Top tier ecosystem partners
- Decentralized and secure
2. Scalable composability is not possible with sharding/layer 2s

2.1. There are real solutions bringing scalability to blockchains via layer 2 solutions or sharding. However, the native layer 1 scalability of Solana offers a level of composability not possible when transaction..
...processing is segregated across different layers or shards. Defi has proved how important composability is especially with regard to atomic multi-step transactions. Over time, many of these transactions will grow in complexity, value, and volume, requiring...
...subsecond finality and high throughput. These features cannot be supported by sharding or layer 2s. Solana can process at scale on a single layer 1- with transaction finality that meets institutional requirements.
3. Solana as a Layer 2

3.1. As dApps consider Layer 2s for scaling solution, Solana offers a unique value proposition beyond performance. Building on a layer 1 blockchain as a layer 2, applications can benefit from native layer 1 features like fiat on/off ramps, native...
...stable coins, and composability with the entire layer 1 ecosystem. Without fiat onramps on any EVM layer 2s, new users must first transfer funds through Ethereum, costing (~$50 ), while the same onboarding on Solana costs less than 1 cent. Solana...
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