Worrying if true that the #UniversalCredit and Working Tax Credit uplift will only continue for 6 months.

Anything less than a year-long extension risks kicking the can down the road, only for us to revisit this same debate in the autumn.

Few thoughts on this. 1/n https://twitter.com/Peston/status/1362742566530256947
Forecasts suggest we’re yet to see the worst with unemployment. As @Peston notes, job losses risk peaking when furlough and SEISS end.

In a best case scenario we'll still be dealing with the aftershock of Covid in the autumn. Worst case we’ll still be facing restrictions. 2/n
And let's not forget that 40% of people on Universal Credit are in work, showing that a job in itself isn't always enough for people to make ends meet. People we help daily at @CitizensAdvice tell us just how anxious they are about the prospect of a cut to their benefits. 3/n
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