10 Lessons I Learned from Life That School Didn't Teach Me

Formal education has its time and place, and I don't denounce its importance.

However, there are many lessons that schools simply aren't teaching;

lessons that can only be learned from experience and living.

Here are a few that I've learned on my own personal journey.
1. Be set apart.

When we're young, we're taught to conform.

When we separate, they seem hellbent on forcing us back into the hive.

When I broke free, it changed the way I saw the world.

Remember: It's always the ones who set themselves apart that do something special.
2. Learning is a lifelong pursuit

Commitment to continuous learning has changed my life. I strive for knowledge, skills and new experiences every day.

There is no topic that can be known in its entirety, which means there are always new things to discover.

Never stop learning.
3. You can be anything.

An advisor once punched my data into a computer and said "You can be an engineer or an accountant."

But I wanted to be a writer.

So, I wrote. Every single day. My profession may not be Author, but I am a writer.

Forge your own path. Do what you love.
4. Question everything.

Children are natural skeptics and aren't afraid to question things when the logic doesn't add up.

Then school teaches us to believe everything we're told.


Always seek truth in the world and in yourself.

Don't be afraid to form your own ideas.
5. Be self-aware

Know yourself and evaluate regularly.

Attune to your inner self and you'll know when things aren't working and if/where you need change.

This works for emotions, goals, relationships and finances.

Keep track of you, and you won't lose your way.
6. Be your own boss

Finish school > go to college > get a job > retire > live > die.

Our entire life is laid out for us before even get to choose.

But we always have a choice.

Build a business or work a side-gig online. There are countless opportunities available to us.
7. Leadership

Leadership is more than being in charge.

It is nurturing & guiding others and showing them the extent of their potential.

It's bringing people together for a common vision and seeing things through to the end.

Not everyone is leading, but anyone can be a leader.
8. Budgeting and Finances

Keeping an eye on how money comes in and goes out is a crucial skill that I didn't learn until I was an adult.

And I had to learn it the hard way.

We should always know our finances intimately.

If we fail there, we fail everywhere.
9. Avoid bad credit card debt

High-interest debt is a death knell.

We're molded into consumers.

In life, we're bombarded with countless ads convincing us to buy buy buy.

Break out of the mold.

Understand how to use credit cards effectively and avoid useless spending.
10. Failure IS an option.

In school, we're punished for being wrong via bad grades, detentions, etc.

We're never taught to learn or process our mistakes.

Figure this out and you'll be far above the rest.

Failure is your biggest stepping stone to success.

Respect it!
These are just a few of the lessons I've learned in my life.

I hope you enjoyed this thread and I hope I was able to help you in some small way.
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