Today is my last day working on @wizards_magic! I’m going to use this thread to say thanks to the wonderful folks I met on my journey here. Feel free to ask any questions about my time here as well! #WotCStaff
To all the folks from where I started in game support: holy crap was this a great team. I’ve never seen so many people dedicated to giving the best service they could say in and day out. Top to bottom they wanted nothing more than to make folks feel like valued customers.
John Kozar not only remains one of my favorite D&D players of all time, dude is one of the most loyal friends I’ve ever encountered. Plus he threw me a whirlwind cocktail tour of Vegas the night before my wedding that was one of the coolest things anyone has done for me.
When I had questions, @WotcPurvis would always answer them thoughtfully and in a way that showed great respect for me. Dude is fantastic at what he does.
One time I fell ill at work and was rushed to the hospital. My manager @Sara_Riehl went to check on my wife and kid and even babysat for a bit so my wife could pick me up from the ER. Actually I’ve had wall to wall stellar managers here.
Most of the player advocacy that @CKiritz does on behalf of MTGO users will never be public. But he’s long been the glue keeping that storied program together. He also gave me countless opportunities to learn everything about one of my favorite games of all time. Ty friend.
Also he let me write patch notes and design my first events and lol the trust ❤️
My partner in analyst crime @jdillard999 is in incredible game designer and just a great guy to spend time with. Did you know he came up with Collected Company off the top of his head one day? As I recall, he had it at 3GG and Sorcery and any number of creatures but dang dude.
You can follow @RobertJSchuster.
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