Physical, biological, and social systems are characterized as non-equilibrium systems. They form a network, and are driven by causal interactions. The kinetic Ising system is a prototypical model of such non-equilibrium systems.
It is composed of binary elements (spin, spike, betting, you name it), and its activation is stochastically determined by weighted sum of the past activities fed into a nonlinear function. Yes, it resembles neural dynamics.
Unfortunately, predicting systems’ evolution becomes quickly intractable if its elements are numerous. Mean-field theory is the gold standard to get insight into the intractable systems. Indeed, theoreticians proposed many different types of mean-field approximation methods.
However, these methods and their relations actually became very complicated, which makes it difficult to progress over the past achievements. We need a UNIFIED VIEW.
Here we unified various mean-field methods from a geometric perspective. Different methods are based on different assumptions about the dynamics. We formulated the mean-field as a projection of the original model onto a sub-manifold of models representing the assumption.
Classic mean-field theories are derived when we use a manifold of independent elements. But these are not the only ones. Using novel sub-manifolds, we derived new mean-field approximations that are more suitable for estimating systems’ correlations.
We predicted the dynamics of system’s statistical properties like evolution of correlations over time, and confirmed our new method outperforms the others. In addition, the mean-field theories can significantly speed-up the data-driven analysis of non-equilibrium systems.
With this method, we can also reconstruct non-equilibrium phase transition, and assess if the non-equilibrium system is in a highly fluctuating regime or not, from large-scale data. Here, entropy production (measure of causality) was found to be a useful measure for that.
Last, do not miss Miguel's tremendous effort on making this unprecedented size of articulated Supplementary: a heart of this theoretical study
All of the work above was led by the first author Dr. Miguel Aguilera @m_aguilera_ at Sussex, jointly with Dr. Amin Moosavi now at Brown U. I am a lucky person to have chances to work with these talents.
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