10 Everyday Millionaire Habits that Changed my Life

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1. Read for 30 Minutes Daily

85% of self-made millionaires read 2+ books every month.

They read:

- Books
- Newspapers
- Prominent magazines

Reading helps you:

- Learn from successes
- Learn from failures
- Save time

Readers are leaders.
2. Build a Dream

66% of millionaires own their own business.

It will take:

- Hard work
- Dedication
- Long nights

The reward will be:

- Fulfillment
- Freedom
- Time

Monetize your passion.
3. Give Back to your Community

There is no such thing as a self-made person.

Millionaires pay it forward by:

- Donating
- Volunteering
- Helping their community prosper

3 ways you can donate:

- Time
- Talent
- Treasure

In the end, the tide raises all ships.
4. Don't Spend Money on Things you Don't Need

You will not accumulate a 7-digit figure net worth overnight.

Building wealth is a slow gradual process that will take:

- Perseverance
- Consistency
- Dedication

If you aren't saving and investing, you're not building your wealth.
5. Save 30% of Income

If your current goal is to save 15%, aim to save at least, 30% of gross annual income.

I invest in:

- ETFs or mutual funds
- Low-cost index funds
- Passively managed funds

Your sacrifices today will pay off in dividends tomorrow (no pun intended!).
6. Don't put all your Eggs in 1 Basket

The typical millionaire has 7 income streams.

Focus on the long-term goal: Building Wealth.

- Never put your eggs in 1 basket
- Never rely on 1 income stream
- Consider building a side hustle

Diversify your income today.
7. Set Specific Monetary Goals

Winning at finance is like following a road map.

You will need:

- Specific goals
- Specific timeframe
- Quantifiable measures
- Accountability partners

Start planning your financial goals today.
8. Find a Quality Mentor

Mentors unlock your true potential.

Use them to:

- Gain advice
- Gain inspiration
- Gain empowerment

Learn from their:

- Financial successes
- Financial failures
- Financial fears

Mentors ignite change and leave a lasting impact.
9. Invest in Yourself

I invest in stocks, and I also invest in myself.

Ways to level up today:

- Exercise
- Meditate
- Read books
- Take a course
- Eat healthy food
- Start a side hustle
- Listen to podcasts

The day you stop learning is the day you start dying.
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