Thread Incoming. #TunbridgeWells

With the recent ban on leafleting and canvassing put in place, you can fully understand why many local groups are unhappy. Local elections are about exercising your Democratic right to vote and to challenge the status quo.
By not allowing groups and independents all over the country you are potentially giving an unfair advantage who can afford to send out by post or use "professionals" to deliver. Social media can be used, but the majority of wards are not on them, making it difficult to target.
These local elections we potentially setup a scenario where those who have failed this town or sat on their hands and become invisible. Only coming out when either it's election time or to push an agenda will mean potentially they get a free run.
I like many others are the voices calling for change, transparency, accountability and more than anything, change. How can that happen if people are allowed an unfair advantage based on wealth and power?
In closing I will say this...

It may not be this year, but other elections will come and rest assured those who are sat on their hands thinking they are safe and failing their communities should know that sooner or later, your time will be up.
You can follow @Chris_Stevens0n.
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