MASCULINITY (a thread)

I love being a man. It seems way easier to me than being a woman. I saw my wife give birth twice and that’s a feat on par with summiting Everest barefooted. Male is my gender, but I’ve been thinking about some “manly” things lately-
As a Christian, the scriptures anchor me to my God, my beliefs, and my identity in Christ. As a man, I’m serious about loving my family- protecting, providing, defending them, etc. But there’s way more beneath the surface.
As a man, I can also connect emotionally with my wife. My sons see me cry openly, and often, when I express my love to them. I’m physically affectionate with my family and my friends. I participate in tasks that some call “feminine” like cooking, laundry, grocery shopping.
My personality isn’t defined by traditional or progressive cultural expectations of what I should be like as a man. God gave me my personality and I’m comfortable with all the ways He created me uniquely to be a dad, husband, evangelist, pastor.
I drive a truck. I’ve killed and eaten three bears (legally and ethically). I’m at home on a tractor or an ATV or running a chainsaw all day. Some would say that makes me a “man’s man.” And I agree. But there’s more to me than power tools and work boots.
I listen to classical music. I love reading fiction. I enjoy love stories (in books and movies). I’m mesmerized by sunrises and sunsets. Downton Abby consistently made me cry. And I’m not sorry or embarrassed.
So for the guy who feels like less than a real man because you don’t own guns, don’t do Cross Fit, and would rather watch The Queens Gambit than the Super Bowl, you can still be a man of God. Tough and tender. Strong and sensitive. Loving and leading. Faithful to Jesus.
You can follow @Clayton_king.
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