Fading Puppy Syndrome (FPS) is a term used to refer to a condition in puppies where they refuse to thrive & die within the first 2 to 3 weeks of life .Thus far , specific causes have'nt been indentified ,but let me write based on my limited knowledge & experience.We need to talk https://twitter.com/durofejo/status/1361042317491240967
FPS could caused be caused by one or a combination of the following :Congenital Anomalies or birth defects ,common ones include cleft palate ,low birth weight,malformed lungs&heart, amongst other less conspicuous anomalies. A puppy with cleft palate
cannot suckle propely and where it's suckling, milk will be aspirated into the respiratory tree slowly suffocating the poor lad 😭😭..
Inadequate milk production from the dam leading to poor supply of colostrum to the puppies . Colostrum is produced with the first 3-4 days after birth it is highly nutritious and rich in antibodies. Therefore it not only nourishes puppies but it passes antibodies to them that
help fight neonatal diseases & other diseases to with the Dam is immune. In addition a puppy's immune system is naive ,Colostrum is supposed to help boost it .Puppies that've been denied access to adequate Colostrum cannot fight diseases because of their immature immune system
Infectious agents are an important cause of FPS viruses like Canine Parvovirus, Canine Distemper , Canine Herpes, Canine Adenovirus've been fingered as notable viral causes .It's important to note that the immune system of a dam "stepsdown"during pregnancy to"accommodate" the pup
It's possible that she could shed pathogens that her immune system had already held in check while nursing , exposing puppies in the process. An underfed puppy with a naive immue system is easy target for these .In addition , there is transplacental and transmammary transfer of
worm larvae to puppies . In heavy Infections puppies will fail to thrive . Bacteria are also culpable in FPS, sources of exposure include infected milk, dirty environments , and poor biosecurity . Puppies may benefit from antibiotics but it's a long shot.
Puppies are born with poor thermoregulatory abilities. Therefore they are very prone to cold shock .It's important that temperature is not allowed to drop below 30 degrees Celsius in the first 10 days .Finally good hygiene, & Biosecurity are important factors in preventing FPS
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