Starting a SaaS company is cheaper than you might think.🤑

Of course, you need a good idea to fix a pain point for your future customers, and of course, you need to build the product, but many other topics can be covered easily.

Free & cheap resources to get you started:
🎨 UI & Design:

Not many developers are great at designing UIs, and that's okay.

Luckily there are CSS frameworks that will give your app a lot of visual structure from day one.
👉 Bootstrap
👉 Foundation
👉 Material
👉 Bulma

If you need more flexibility:
👉 Tailwind

🖼️ Visuals:

Stock footage can be quite expensive, but there are free resources too.

For stock photos:
👉 unsplash .com

For stock videos:
👉 pexels .com

And for really nice illustrations I always recommend this open-source collection made by @NinaLimpi
👉 undraw .co

💻 Code:

When you are building a product, you really don't want to reinvent the wheel.

Most of your app logic is available in the open-source space.

You want to focus on the pieces that are relevant to your domain.

A plethora of projects:
👉 github .com
👉 gitlab .com

☁️ Infrastructure:

These providers make generous gifts to deploy your app on their cloud infrastructure.

👉 Amazon Web Services
👉 Google Cloud Platform
👉 DigitalOcean
👉 Azure
👉 Netlify
👉 Vercel

You can run your product for free for a long time. Isn't that amazing?

🌐 Domains:

You can get your new domain for under 10$ a year.
There are many cheap providers out there, like these ones:

👉 namecheap .com
👉 godaddy .com

Just make sure you pick a company that will give you complete freedom to manage your DNS settings.
Very important!

🔥 Application Monitoring:

When your backend service crashes you can always check the logs (I hope you have them 😅).

But when your frontend has a bug the user will just leave the page and never tell you about it.

Start collecting errors & stack traces:
👉 sentry .io

✉️ Emails:

Emails are a crucial part of any SaaS product.

From the first welcome and the password reset process to your product-specific content, a lot of emails need to be sent.

Trust me, you don't want to run your own email server:
👉 mailgun .com
👉 sendgrid .com

🆘 Support:

When your customer struggles, you need to provide an accessible way to get in touch with you.

What better way than a (near) live chat?

Here's a nice integration that is for free and will increase your customer satisfaction:
👉 crisp .chat

There's so much more out there that you can have for free or little money.

You don't need a factory, 50 employees on day one, or expensive machines.

Just your time, a laptop, and an idea. 💡
Take advantage of all those great offerings.

Now, get started 🤘
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