It is a really dangerous precedent to be asking a President to do an end run around Congressional authorities. Even to articulate that is what you want done.
A lot of people don’t understand it would take appropriations to remove your debt from the books.

They see the debt as if Uncle Sam is a literal uncle who can just say forget about it.

But a debt is recorded and lives on the balance sheet. To be erase it has to be paid
If not paid - your debt isn’t forgiven it just not collected.

And when a new president comes in will be reversed just as easy with another EO.
The legal authority that Schumer and Warren are claiming is NOT from government sources at their disposal but a Harvard law class clinic’s 7 page paper.
Only about one in four likely voters, however, supports forgiving all student debt. And the idea is much more popular among those with debt than those without it.
Other polls have also found that canceling some student debt is a moderately popular idea
The Congressional authority to erase 10k in student debt that he asked for in the Hero Act will be most effective in helping borrowers who didn’t graduate college. That is the group struggling to pay.
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