Strange facts about death☠️

[A Thread]
1. A human head remains conscious for around 20 seconds after being decapitated.
2. We are born with over 270 bones, and die with 206.

Wait! What? Where did the other bones go? No one knows lol
3. More than 7000 people die annually due to the doctor's bad handwriting for prescription. Crazy right 😂😂
4. Within three days of death, the enzymes from your digestive system begin to digest your body.
5. About 153,000 people worldwide die everyday.

But around double that number are born everyday. Population problem 😪
6. It's possible to die from "fatal water overdose," aka from drinking too much water.

Officially known as hyponatremia. In 2007, one woman drank six liters in three hours for a contest to win a Nintendo Wii, threw up, and died hours later.
7. Left handed people die 3 years earlier than right handed people.

Sorry lefties ☹️, I guess you'll have to make things ‘Right’.
8. Men who are hanged get a death erection, known as rigor erectus.
9. When a person dies, their sense of hearing is the last to go.

"Ear today, gone tomorrow!"
10. You can't die of 'old age', only from diseases brought on by age.
11. Dead bodies swell up like balloons after about four days, due to the release of gases and liquids.

Is that why they float in water?
12. Forensic scientists can tell how long it has been since death by looking at the species of insect feeding on the body.

These CID guys are crazy.
13. Forensic scientists can easily tell whether a person drowned or was killed and then dumped in a body of water by simply looking inside their lungs.
If someone drowned their lungs would be filled with water and they would have sunk to the bottom of wherever the body is.
14. When a body decays in water, a substance that looks like soap buildup can slowly form on the body, called "corpse wax."
15. The Turritopsis Dohrnii jellyfish is officially known as the only immortal creature in the world. It lives forever.
Source: Different source dfkm 😂

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