Before RISE I worked in a commissioning team @BHCC for 10yrs. Many good people, but also an undeniable dynamic whereby relatively inexperienced people with what seems to them like big ££s believe they can change the world and write grandiose specs asking for the moon on a stick..
2/ Add to the mix what is in reality a finite, already inadequate amount of money, multiple changes to commissioning personnel, no apparent oversight by councillors, and outsourcing your responsibilities to others
3/ The incumbent understands the pressures/the extremity of what the spec is asking for, answers prudently and realistically, while outsiders say they can do it all and more (in this case on a fixed price) and contracts are duly awarded to largest apparent moon+stick combos
4/ Local services who know the community and have holistic offer are broken up and given to multiple large nationals, yet these will not be able to manage 100% of demand; break up adds hurdles for survivors who still need us and call on us, yet we now have drastically reduced ££
/5 Add to this a consultation process that did little to genuinely reach and hear from those most affected and at risk, and it's a how-not-to guide for commissioning services for vulnerable people.
We are working in constructive partnership with the new providers so that service users get the smoothest possible handover. Nothing but goodwill with our local Victim Support team, who have a harder job than they know ahead
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