BE.T.S💜 Live Translation!

The boys just asked if we knew why they're doing a live right now and Jin said it's because it's the day after Hobi's birthday! Oh and it's also the release of BE: Essential Edition! 
The BE cookies have lyrics inside and Joon opened the first one. Jimin started teasing Joon about not eating the paper inside. Joon said that that never happened but everyone keeps thinking that he did.
Jimin handed Jin a cookie and called him beautiful as a flower and said that he actually had little intros for everyone but forgot to do it for Joon and Yoongi.
Jin opened his cookie and it had a Joon lyric in it. Then he joked that, Hey, I don't even know my own lyrics.
Tae's second cookie had another lyric from Telepathy and Hobi asked if maybe all the cookies had Telepathy in it!
Jin really likes the cookies!
They wanted Yoongi to open more cookies and passed the basket to him.

Joon said he should keep opening cookies until they don't get a Telepathy lyric.

Yoongi opened a cookie and it was a lyric from Telepathy again!
Hobi asked what this line was from, "I think it's going to rain again", and they told him it's from Life Goes On. And Jin said, Didn't you tease me for not knowing the lyrics before?
Yoongi suggested reading comments so they could chat with ARMYs!

Joon read that we told them to enjoy the pizza.

Yoongi said that yeah why were they eating cookies instead of the pizza?
Yoongi said that he's doing well! He goes to rehab 3x a week.
Jimin told the boys that we were asking them to close one eye and poke their cheeks.

Jin said that the trend for this has passed.
They're talking about 5 JKs or 5yo JK!

Joon would like to change his answer. He had said before that he'd like 5 JKs so that he could hear a beautiful harmony, but he would like to change to 5yo JK because cute.
JK was wondering why it's always him. The boys are talking about how cute he was and JK said 5yo JK became current JK.

Joon wanted JK to answer the question!

But they decided to switch things around and now they're saying they should ask 5 Jimins or 5yo Jimin.
Yoongi went back to the closing one eye and poking the other cheek request... and he said, wow you really can't do it! And he closed both eyes.

[Oh Yoongi.]
Yoongi read a comment that said that it's good to see them all alive together and they laughed.

Joon said, Yes, we are all alive.
Joon is wondering if maybe the word "oppa" will now appear in English dictionaries.
They tried to make Hobi do an English acrostic for BE because it was his birthday, but Yoongi offered to do it. He said

E: Essential Edition
Jimin went next.

E: Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (*airplane noise?*)
They said Joon should do one since he speaks English.

E: Everyone
They said what's important is that BE: Essential was released. Yoongi likes that it's not as big and it feels like a photobook that you can admire.
Joon peeled off the sticker and showed us and said, Everyone, you can peel these off! Even I could do it!
They said that they used this release as an excuse so they could come and do a vlive with us.
They said that if something momentous happened, they could add another sticker and release a final final version.
Jimin suggested that if another edition was released, they could add another song to the album, but the other guys said they should do something else instead like come and celebrate with ARMYs on vlive.
The boys are talking about the framed Billboard and apparently it was originally pink? They considered a whole slew of colors before settling on Black.
Basically when the boys' families saw the frames, they took them home with them.
They're saying that JK should now draw all the members for their birthdays. Jimin said that he'll be resentful if JK doesn't do it. Joon said that JK will have to do it if the views reach 7M and oh look it did! Then they said if it reaches 8M, JK will also draw Bang-PD too.
They're saying it's time to wrap up. Hobi said that times like this when they can communicate with us is really precious and he'd like to try and do this often with us.
Jimin said that they have 7M viewers right now but he thinks about 6.9M of us aren't sure why they're doing a live right now and it's because they wanted to share the release of BE: Essential with us.
JK said that they're creating good songs one-by-one and they'll come back to us soon.
Yoongi asked him why he was swaying back and forth and JK said that he can't sit still.

Joon say a snippet of "See-Saw".
Yoongi said that rehab was harder than he had thought but he's working hard on getting better and he'll be with us again soon.
Jin said that he's restless not and is looking forward to coming back with new music.
Joon said that he was so grateful that we made it possible for them to release the album again with these cool stickers.
Tae said he's not working out anymore.
Hobi's happy to have all 7 of them on the same screen together.
They all said together, ARMY we love you!
[Now I'll go back to the beginning and catch the very start. Also, there's a part in the middle when Yoongi was talking and Tae spat out a bit of juice that I didn't get to translate and I want to let you all know about that, so please stay tuned while I go look. TYSM!]
The boys start off asking each other what's going on because most of them were pretending to be frozen but not all of them and Jimin is holding his head going, I thought we said we weren't gonna do that!
They're waiting for ARMYs to join the live and Jin suggested that they should go around and say a Hello Slow Version.

Joon asked, How do you do a Hello Slow Version?

And Jin just started to taaaaaaaaalk reeeeeaaaaal sloooooooow as Joon followed along with a slooow BTS salute.
Jimin is checking how many people had entered and there was a lag but there were 50K viewers and seconds later 76K viewers. Yoongi suggested they start at 100K. And in no time they had 100K viewers.

[It was really fast!]
They did their 2-3-BTS hello! They were happy to do an all member vlive for the first time in a while. Jin said that they should all do an individual hello.

Jimin: Hi, I'm Jimin and I'm in charge.
Hobi: Hi, I'm everyone's Hope, J-Hope.
JK: Hi, I'm just Jungkook.
V: Hi, I'm A B C D E... V.
*Everybody laughs*
Yoongi: Ow, I got my wisdom teeth taken out. Don't make me laugh! I'm Suga.
Jin: I'm Jin.
Joon: I'm RrrrrrrrrrrRM.
*clap clap clap*
The boys talked about how they came to talk with us along with Yoongi and have some precious time together with us.

Jin asked what people did for Lunar New Year. Hobi said he went home and had delicious food.
TW // Blood

Yoongi said he's been rehabbing and also had his wisdom teeth pulled. He's still bleeding. He's swallowing it right now.

Jin said he had his pulled 2yrs before and the holes still haven't filled in.

Yoongi said that it will. When he got his right wisdom teeth +
pulled before, it eventually filled in.
Joon asked if anyone played Yoot (traditional Korean board game played with sticks instead of dice). He played again for the first time in a while and his dad almost captured many of the players. Jin and Yoongi thought Joon and his dad have a nice relationship.
JK said that he had planned to do a lot of exercise, but... it appears he did some, stopped some, did some and so forth.
Jin asked who had ddeokgook (Korean rice cake soup) for Lunar New Year and they boys said yes of course it's standard. Except Tae, he said that he had so much delicious food that he got too full and had indigestion and couldn't have ddeokgook.
An ARMY wrote, "Hi Yonki" and they think it's cute and Yoongi said, "Take care, Yonki Min!"
Jin read a note saying "Happy Birthday, J-Hope" and they all congratulated Hobi. They asked him what he did for his birthday. Tae got Jin to do an acrostic with Hobi's name.
Jeong: Really
Ho: Hoseok is
Seok: Looks like Seokjin

Hobi loves it, saying it's the biggest compliment!
Jimin said Hobi needs to do one too.
Jeong: My birthday flew by
JK interrupted and said, He prepared this! Hobi said, Nooo I really didn't know!
Ho: With curiosity
Jimin stopped him and said, No, this won't do. Let's pass!
Tae said that there was a reason they all gathered together. Jin said, Isn't it because it's the day after Hobi's birthday?

[And now we're caught up to where this thread began. I'll jump ahead to the part about Tae spat juice.]
[Oh wait, let me include the part about 5 Jimins or 5yo Jimin!]
Tae suggested they change the balance question to 5yo Jimin or 5 Jimins. Jimin was uncertain, but Yoongi answered straight away 5 Jimins, which Jimin liked. JK agreed 5 Jimins. Joon asked why and JK said it'd be fun to put the 5 Jimins together and watch them.
He thinks their conversation will be really funny.

Joon asked Jimin the 5yo JK or 5 JKs question and Jimin said absolutely he'd go with 5yo JK because if they had 5 JKs they'd be all running around and it'd be hard to herd them all together.
They said that they can't keep up with ARMYs on these trends and things and that this is a sign that they've gotten old. It's the old folks who don't get these jokes and then learn some new trend and try to use it awkwardly and they're saying that's them.

TW // Blood

An ARMY asked Yoongi to have some pizza and Jin suggested that can do a combined EatJin with the live by having Yoongi eat some, but Yoongi said that this would be difficult because he had his wisdom tooth pulled recently. In fact, the day before, while +
he was doing rehab, tomato juice came out of his mouth. He was bleeding.

Tae covered his mouth right then and he ended up coughing and spitting out the strawberries he had been eating. Jin saw it was red and said, You spat blood! Then Yoongi said, Yeah I bled about this much.
The boys all laughed and said Tae was helpful in demonstrating what happened. Then Jin complained because Tae wiped his strawberry spit on him.
[I think that covers the important parts! Thank you for reading and hooray we got to see all our wonderful boys together!! Please stream BE! 💜]
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