1. In the long run, users migrating to BSC will likely be a good thing for Ethereum. Aside from making new users accustomed to MetaMask and the general flow of using Ethereum applications ...
2. it means that the blockspace of Ethereum can be utilised for applications which actually require decentralisation and censorship resistance, pure profit grabs will likely become relatively less prevalent on Ethereum ...
3. and users who can't afford Ethereum's current gas prices have somewhere to go. At some point, the flaws of centralisation on BSC are likely to manifest themselves into the foregound, much like with almost all other centralised services ...
4. strengthening the case for decentralisation once more. I sincerely hope that what lies ahead of BSC manages to compel users towards decentralisation without any funds needing to be lost or seized ...
5. Either way, BSC is simultaneously acting as a honeypot for users that do not align with the core values/ethos of Ethereum whilst also providing some form of inclusion to those who are not privileged enough to afford Ethereum's current gas prices ...
6. Now is the time to focus our efforts on L2 solutions as well as L1 optimisations to make Ethereum as inclusive as possible, and not only a tool for the wealthy. Do I plan on using BSC? Definitely not, but only because I am lucky enough to afford not to.
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