But seriously, it's fucked up that doctors and families could make disabled people die instead of making our lives livable. I'm all for people deciding to end their own lives but that's not what MAID is.

Thank you for fighting @andraydomise @NoLore #BillC7
A person is able to choose to end their own life (for example, if they're going to die of cancer soon and they'd rather die sooner to avoid suffering) if they have control and power over their own life.

Elderly and disabled people often lack that power.
Elderly and disabled people are considered to be a "burden." And sometimes a family may want an elderly relative to die for their inheritance. This isn't an environment that gives people autonomy in their own life and death...
So lets give everyone money and support so they can live good lives. All lives have value.

And while we fight #BillC7, let's also abolish punishing people for suicide attempts or suicidal thoughts...
My life is pretty good now. I'm successful in my career, I'm "middle class." But I used to be poor, undiagnosed... and suicidal.

The "treatment" for being suicidal shouldn't be "lock her up in the isolation cell in the psych ward and inject tranquilizers in her."
How the fuck is that supposed to show someone that life is worth living?!

So I'm extra angry about MAID because we torture people for wanting to die while making it easy for doctors to kill us if we're a burden, simultaneously.
🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ #BillC7
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