Thank you SO much for the unexpected outpouring of support. It means so much.
People have shared their own experiences with racism publicly in replies & privately. Have also had several ask me how they can help not only me, but other #BIPOC who are in this position too often. /1
Here's some tips I have for ally/accomplices that want to really help #BIPOC in these situations, to prevent such harm and stand with us against racism-
(NOT an exhaustive list & in no particular order, & doesn't speak for all BIPOC):
1. Listen to & validate BIPOC when they share concerns re racism. Don't gaslight. It's not about intent (too much subconscious bias that people don't even realize it). Language and actions matter.
2. Racist harm is isolating-reach out to people who have been harmed.
3. Listen 2 #BIPOC who are women, LGBTQ2S+, have diabilities, are transgender; learn about intersectionality & the layers of oppression a person can experience.
4.Good people can still be racist. What people do when racism is identified is what speaks to a person's character
5. Know that BIPOC can be & are racist to other BIPOC. We are neither immune to racism, nor off the hook for perpetuating racism to others.
6. Use the words racism & systemic racism. Know the difference. Don't hide racism behind guise of "professionalism", "rudeness" etc
7. We're not asking for perfection in this anti-racist journey; we're asking that when racist harm is done, that the reaction NOT be centred on the one who did the harming, but rather the person harmed & what can be done to help that harmed person. ASK them!

8. Do NOT deny that racism & systemic racism exists in Canada, daily. It's not just the most violent/tragic examples that make the news that is racism.
It happens in small daily moments and is so very pervasive in any space in Canada.
9. In groups/discussions, look at who's talking the most. Why?
10. In groups, look out for who's NOT talking- are they feeling safe to talk and share their thoughts?
If not, what is needed to help with safety?
11. Earnestly & openly ask for different perspectives and actually listen+be open to seeing/understanding things from a diff perspective.
12. Being anti-racist is a constant action that needs to be worked on actively & needs accountability. It's not a static en vogue label.
13. Really try to acknowledge & accept that we have ALL been immersed in a colonial white supremacist power structure that exists in Canada; we all have subconscious biases and racist thoughts. It's uncomfortable. Lean in to it. We all must constantly work to be anti-racist.
14. Upstanders can help BIPOC who've been harmed by standing with them, speaking up with them, sharing burden by using their power+privilege in society +/or a group to ensure BIPOC are heard, validated; help a group to make amends, and learn for the future to not perpetuate harm.
15. Don't make BIPOC "prove" their harm- it just retraumatizes. If they are speaking out about it, it is because there has already been SO MUCH pain about this & likely ++ emotional labour that already has been done at ++personal cost.
16. Don't expect #BIPOC to do the work of teaching you about racism, anti-racism, white supremacy. Invest your own time & energy by learning about it. There are lots of resources out there. Learn about the racist & colonial structures on which Canada was built, learn about...
..the trauma to Indigenous people, learn about Black slavery in Canada, learn about oppressive laws in Canada's history against People of Colour. Learn what it means to be anti-racist. Act on this learning. Ask questions with humility, to learn & understand.
17. Call out racism at every turn that you see it. #BIPOC don't ever get a break from racism; help carry the load.

I hope these tips are helpful. Thank you.

If you have tips from your own experiences as a BIPOC, pls add here to share if you would like! Thank you!

OK, two more I forgot:
18. If you're feeling defensive, rather than act on it and lash out (which causes MORE racist harm), try to sit with that discomfort & ask why? Be open to feedback. Be open to changing & dimantling these power structures.
19: Anti-racism isn't an ideology, it's about HUMAN RIGHTS.

#Racism happens in any/all circles, it doesn't matter who you vote for or where you lie in the political spectrum.
None of us are immune to causing harm. Don't buy into false security re this.
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