Someone has just told me they did not know the story of the bro who did not want to be tased

(This story and included video include an arrest and tasing)

So back in the long long ago when John Kerry was running for President, he went to Florida on the trail.
Now this was back in 2004, when police tasing a dude didn’t typically make worldwide news even if he was a white kid

Anyway so Kerry shut down questions and bro was very upset. Upset enough he grabbed a mic and demanded Kerry take his question. Like got mad that he wasn’t picked
So the kid is yelling and causing a ruckus and everyone else in the auditorium has been sitting through a town hall for hours and mostly do not care what bro wants to know about

But Kerry, knowing it’ll look bad if he doesn’t let a kid ask him a question, says let the kid go
So security, who had already been trying to escort him out, let him ask his question

My friends. If you have ever heard a white dude say “this is a three parter” or “this is more of a comment than a question” then you know PART of what comes next
Now mind you he had disrupted the answer to what was supposed to have been the last question. He was in line and they said “last question” and he was next up at the mic

Like dude threw a tantrum about being told q&a was over

So Kerry finishes the event and goes into overtime
Bro steps up to the mic and starts by quoting Greg palest, asks Kerry about Bush’s impeachment, asks Kerry about his war vote, asks Kerry was he in Skull and Bones with Bush

He’s been going a minute and a half. He gets his mic cut because he said “blow job” which.
*palast, autocorrect.

Anyway those younger than me might not remember a time when presidents didn’t pussygrab and perhaps will not remember the long ago well after we spent years listening to people reporting on what bill clinton did with his dick
Like my growing up:

Birth-16: we don’t talk about blow jobs in public
16-19:all any of the grownups talk about is blow jobs, but mostly in the context of asking can we talk about blow jobs and how do we explain blow jobs to the children and
19-22: war and blow jobs
So to cut the mic over that was...pearl-clutchy. But it’s an official uni event with a presidential candidate so okay we’re all very polite and we’re back to not saying blow job in front of the innocent and pure college students
Bro gets his mic cut

And dude fucking loses it. Security grabs him and tells him to leave and this absolute legend of a bro singularity RUNS AT THE STAGE SCREAMING.

The one with the Presidential candidate on it. The one with a security detail.

He rushes. The. Stage. Yelling.
Security has five bodies on him wrestling him back towards the rear exit. They’re yelling at him to stop resisting. He’s screaming he didn’t do anything wrong and why isn’t anyone in this whole auditorium helping him.

Parents of toddlers will know that stiff-body public tantrum
So they wrestle him to the back and this has been a long drawn out drama and Kerry gets on the mic and says they’ll wrap it up once the situation is handled and everyone stares at this fracas

And at that point something fucking magical happened
At that point, after he’s been clearly told multiple times to stop resisting, to put his hands behind his back, etc etc. MULTIPLE times, and he’s screaming the whole while in a way that makes you think he’s gonna unironically yell “help, help, I’m being repressed” next
At that point an officer loudly tells him to stop resisting or he will be tased

And this man, this young man yells “BRO, DON’T TASE ME! DON’T TASE ME, BRO!”

He does not stop resisting.

He does get tased.

Here is maybe the last half of it?
When I tell you that shit went viral I mean Twitter wasn’t even invented yet and we had “don’t tase me bro” T-shirts and they put “tase” in the dictionary that year like they added twerk not long ago

It was a decade before the Great Pumpkin Riots of 2014
guy grew up to be the sort of asshole who’s active on Gab and so while I do not love watching people be subdued and tased I do think it’s fucking hilarious when Richard Spencer gets punched and I think it’s fucking hilarious that this guy is now and forever Taser Bro.

One correction: Kerry did not stop questions, the university moderator did when time was up

Like happens at EVERY PUBLIC FORUM EVER so yes. Fucking hilarious.
I might also add: if you remember this story as shocking uncalled-for police brutality that’s because he was a right-wing cause celebre for a while.

Limbaugh, FOX et al were shocked, SHOCKED, at the violent tactics of the left and the brutal repression a Kerry term would bring
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