Fun fact - @shandro is not the first Shandro in #ABleg.

That would be his great uncle Andrew Shandro, who is notable for a lot, including being found guilty of bribing voters in his first election and acting out of "express malice" in filing criminal charges against an opponent.
Oh, but that's not all! Andrew Shandro also took advantage of Bill 58 (legislation that meant that any MLA currently serving in the armed forces during WW1 was acclaimed to their seat) to hold his seat, despite the fact that his battalion was never meant to serve in Europe.
His battalion, btw, was the 218th - stationed in Calgary where, at least twice, it led riots against the police, including one time where it was so bad that the NYT wrote "The city virtually is in the hands of the soldier mob."

Shandro never saw combat, as far as I can find.
He also showed up in the Alberta Legislature for over a month wearing his soldier's uniform, despite being told to stop.

And then, in 1921, he technically won his seat again - bc the returning officer was Shandro's relative and rejected his opponent's paperwork to protect him.
Shandro eventually lost in the ensuing by-election, and every following election he contested.

In fact, despite Shandro technically winning his seat in four elections, only once did he win any of them without either cheating or lying (as far as the record shows).
Isn't history fun?
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